Berkshire MPO Public Review and Comment

The Berkshire MPO is seeking public comment on the following two items:

BMPO FFY 2024-2028 TIP Highway 3rd AmendmentAn amendment (3rd amendment) has been proposed to the TIP to add discretionary grant funding for the N Adams Route 2 Overpass Study in the amount of $940,720.

FFY 25 Unified Planning Work Program DRAFT The 2025 UPWP is a list, budget and description of all federally funded transportation planning work to be performed between October 1, 2024, and September 30, 2025, mostly by staff of the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) and consultants working for BRPC, under the auspices of the Berkshire Metropolitan Planning Organization.

Comments are due by 5:00 PM on June 18, 2024 and should be addressed to the Berkshire Metropolitan Planning Organization/BRPC, 1 Fenn Street, Suite 201, Pittsfield MA 01201 or via email to   The Berkshire MPO is tentatively scheduled to approve the UPWP on June 25, 2024. This notice complies with the Berkshire Region MPO’s Public Participation Plan and satisfies the Berkshire Regional Transit Authority’s public participation process for the development of its Program of Projects.