The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission was organized in 1966 by the votes of ten cities and towns in Berkshire County. On May 9, 1966, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts approved the ten-member region and designated its area of jurisdiction as being the 32 municipalities that comprise Berkshire County. Since then, all 32 municipalities have voted to join the Commission as members.
The powers and duties of the Commission are set forth in Chapter 40B of the General Laws of Massachusetts. This law, adopted originally in 1955, has been strengthened by subsequent actions of the legislature. Chapter 40B is often referred to as “The Regional Planning Law.” Click to read 40B.
Section 5 of Chapter 40B says: “A planning commission established hereunder shall make careful studies of the resources, problems, possibilities and needs of its district and, on the basis of such studies, shall prepare a comprehensive plan of development or a schematic study plan of such district or of such part or parts thereof as the commission may deem necessary and in such plans shall make such recommendations for the physical, social, governmental or economic improvement of the district as in their opinion will be in the best interest of the inhabitants of the district. Such plans and recommendations shall concern, among other things, the general use of the district, including land use, principle highways and expressways, bridges, airports, public utilities, public facilities, parks, recreation areas, public institutions and such other matters as in the opinion of said commission will be beneficial to the district and will promote with the greatest efficiency and economy the coordinated development of the district and the general welfare and prosperity of its people.”
Berkshire Regional Planning Commission’s Bylaws Adopted January 18, 2024 – click here to view
Mission Statement
Berkshire Regional Planning Commission provides leadership and assistance to the County’s municipalities, organizations and citizens in achieving County-wide inter-relationships, prosperity, opportunities, quality of life, strength and vibrancy.
BRPC Vision
Berkshire Regional Planning Commission, as an indispensable source of support and leadership to municipalities, organizations and citizens, effects positive change through its collaborative efforts to achieve Sustainable Berkshires principles and a high quality of life for County residents, including greater economic growth, sustainable resource management, environmental, social and economic equity, and effective governmental and educational services. BRPC is recognized as the primary:
- Source of trusted, reliable Berkshire County data and analysis.
- Provider of technical assistance to Berkshire County municipalities and organizations.
- Convener of interests seeking to seize opportunities for and confront challenges to the Berkshires.
- Advocate on behalf of the collective interests of Berkshire County.
BRPC’s Values
- Enhance the Berkshires’ human, environmental,l and developed resources, including its sense of place and built heritage.
- Providing the highest quality information and analysis is the basis for our work.
- Actively seek, engage and respect varying voices to ensure all viewpoints are considered prior to reaching decisions or providing guidance.
- Engage diverse people, organizations, and interests within and outside Berkshire County who can effect change in the region.
- Balance competing public interests.
- Nurture and rely upon partnerships and collaborations to provide optimal outcomes.
- Be responsive and open to change and innovation.
- Respect the contributions of staff, community members, and organizations.
- Act with integrity and the highest ethical standards.
Adopted January 19, 2017