Briggsville Water District - Land Acquisition
Briggsville Water District has been awarded funds through an MVP grant to enhance climate resilience of their drinking water source. They are using this project to acquire land uphill of the current well in order to relocate water storage outside the floodplain. This will also allow them to increase tank storage and update tank monitoring systems to manage water quality and increase drought resilience. The rest of the parcel will be used for open space.
View ProjectCheshire Municipal Vulnerability Plan and Hazard Mitigation Plan
BRPC is working with the Town of Cheshire to complete a combined Hazard Mitigation and Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Plan. This plan will identify and prepare the town for hazards especially in terms of climate change. There will be a focus on the impact of historical events and vulnerabilities, as well as future actions needed to mitigate impacts on the town infrastructure, the environment, society, and vulnerable populations.
View ProjectClarksburg Drinking Water Grant Assistance
BRPC is helping assist the Briggsville Water District, which supplies drinking water to 10% of Clarksburg, MA, in identifying and developing grant applications to make necessary upgrades to the Red Springs water supply infrastructure.
View ProjectClarksburg Four Corners Flood Resiliency and Restoration Project
BRPC is assisting Clarksburg build flood resiliency through a community-drive design process in the Four Corners area of Town. This area includes the main community's gathering places namely the Community/Senior Center, the Town Field, and Clarksburg School. The project will look at how the space can integrate stormwater infrastructure and redesign community assets to be more accessible and usable. Part of this project involves a Student Design Challenge in partnership with Clarksburg School and Flying Cloud, as well as community design charrette and ADA accessibility.
View ProjectClarksburg Municipal Vulnerability Plan
As a follow-up to Clarksburg's Hazard Mitigation Planning, BRPC is serving the Town as their MVP Provider. As such, BRPC will guide Clarksburg in preparing for the impacts of climate change through a Community Resilience Building Workshop in which stakeholders will identify Climate Preparedness Actions.
View ProjectEquity in Emergency Management Consultant
This project will allow the BRPC Public Health Program to conduct a needs assessment relevant to improving equity in emergency management planning, preparedness, and response in Western Massachusetts.
View ProjectHancock Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaption Plan
BRPC is helping the Town of Hancock develop a FEMA approved Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Plan. This will determine the greatest risks to the town, how climate change exacerbates these risks, and develop actions to mitigate impacts. This process will also make the Town MVP Certified community.
View ProjectLee Hazard Mitigation and Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Planning
BRPC is assisting the Town of Lee to complete a FEMA and Massachusetts MVP State approved Hazard Mitigation Plan and Climate Adaptation Plan through the MVP Planning Process.
View ProjectMedical Reserve Corps—Berkshire
Support Berkshire Medical Reserve Corps efforts. This work will include meetings with Emergency Preparedness stakeholders, development of training needs assessments, participation in exercises and drills, and management of volunteers.
View ProjectMedical Reserve Corps—Franklin
Support Franklin Medical Reserve Corps efforts. This work will include meetings with Emergency Preparedness stakeholders, development of training needs assessments, participation in exercises and drills, and management of volunteers.
View ProjectMonterey Municipal Vulnerability Plan Action Grant
BRPC is assisting the Town of Monterey through their Phase II MVP Action Grant to replace the Route 23/Main St. Culvert near Town Hall. This project is a climate adaptation effort to make Town Hall and essential facilities less vulnerable to increased storms. Monterey is working with GZA to complete final engineering designs and permitting. BRPC is helping with outreach, project, and grant administration, including rain garden construction on private property and a climate resilience guide for homeowners.
View ProjectPittsfield Francis Ave Parklet and Routing Study
BRPC has partnered with the City of Pittsfield, Pittsfield Housing Authority, Central Berkshires Habitat for Humanity, and the Westside Community to create a climate resilient community parklet at the top of Francis Ave near the stairwell to West Street. The Francis Ave. parklet grew out of BRPC's Gray to Green initiative and resident feedback from 2020 about the path from Francis Ave. down the stairwell to the nearest grocery store on West Street. As part of the parklet the project will address persistent flooding at the top of the stairwell through stormwater infiltration designs. A safe walking routes study will explore changes to street and route design from Westside Community to the West Street corridor of resources including Big Y grocery store, pharmacies, and Greylock Bank.
View ProjectPublic Health Emergency Preparedness Planning
Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) acts as the fiduciary agent for the Berkshire Public Health Emergency Preparedness Coalition. Public Health Emergency Preparedness Funding supports local Boards of Health in Berkshire County to prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies and disasters from a public health and health equity perspective. Berkshire County Boards of Health Association (BCBOHA) acts as the emergency preparedness coalition for Berkshire County.
View ProjectRowe Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness
BRPC will assist Mass Audubon and the Franklin Regional Council of Governments to recruit stakeholders within Berkshire County members of the Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership. BRPC will also participate in period meetings of the stakeholder group.
View ProjectSavoy Roads and Culverts Assessments
This project will assess the current conditions of all town-owned roads and stream crossings within Savoy. Based on the findings of the road surface and stream crossing assessments, a map and report will be prepared with recommendations for the town to consider for future investments.
View ProjectWashington Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Planning
Having recently completed Hazard Mitigation Planning, BRPC will serve as the MVP provider for Washington to complete their Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Planning. This project will review the hazards and actions highlighted in the Hazard Mitigation Planning process and utilize the MVP Community Resilience Building Workshop process to further develop climate change mitigation actions.
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