Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

BRPC staff have established a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility and Belonging (DEIAB) Working Group.

The mission of the group is to ensure BRPC takes continual and thoughtful steps towards becoming:

  • a welcoming and effective organization integrating DEIAB into BRPC’s culture, policies, procedures, projects, and activities
  • an inclusive environment where every individual’s unique perspectives are recognized and valued
  • a DEIAB leader for municipalities in Berkshire County

BRPC recognizes the systemic nature of racism, ableism, homophobia, xenophobia, and other social ills and our responsibility to address them wherever they appear in our work. BRPC is committed to using compassion and accountability to support collective learning and shifting resources towards a more equitable distribution for all.

Our mission extends beyond internal efforts as we collaborate with community members and leaders to influence positive change throughout Berkshire County.

Learn More About Equity in Planning:

For more resources, please visit BRPC’s Useful Links page, which includes several topic-specific links.