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ADA Self-Assessment and Transition Plan - Alford

This project involves an assessment of publicly accessible town properties and buildings in the Town of Alford. Each property will be evaluated according to ADA best practices for providing accessible accommodations.

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ADA Self-Assessment and Transition Plan - Monterey

This project involves an assessment of publicly accessible town properties and buildings in the Town of Monterey. Each property will be evaluated according to ADA best practices for providing accessible accommodations.

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ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan - Becket

This project is intended to provide the town of Becket with an ADA Self-evaluation and Transition Plan which will enable the town to identify barriers to accessibility in all municipal facilities, including buildings, streets and sidewalks, parks, and other municipally owned properties., and to plan for elimination of such barriers over the next 5 years.

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ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan - Cheshire

BRPC Community Development Program Staff will assist the Town of Cheshire by conducting a municipal ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan during the Spring of 2023. This project is funded through a grant from the Massachusetts Office on Disability (MOD) and will look at ADA accessibility at all municipal facilities through the lens of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design. Using the survey information gathered, BRPC, the Town of Cheshire, and its residents, will then participate in the development of a transition plan that will better position the Town to apply for a variety of implementation grants in the future.

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ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan - Lanesborough

BRPC Community Development Program Staff will assist the Town of Lanesborough by conducting a municipal ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan during the Spring of 2023. This project is funded through a grant from the Massachusetts Office on Disability (MOD) and will look at ADA accessibility at all municipal facilities through the lens of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design. Using the survey information gathered, BRPC, the Town of Lanesborough, its ADA Committee, and its residents, will then participate in the development of a transition plan that will better position the Town to apply for a variety of implementation grants in the future.

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ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan - Lee

This project involves an assessment of publicly accessible town properties and buildings in the Town of Lee. Each property will be evaluated according to ADA best practices for providing accessible accommodations.

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ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan - Stockbridge

This project is intended to provide the Town of Stockbridge with an ADA Self-evaluation and Transition Plan which will enable the town to identify barriers to accessibility in all municipal facilities, including buildings, streets and sidewalks, parks, and other municipally owned properties., and to plan for elimination of such barriers over the next 5 years.

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Access to Clean Energy Technology

BRPC has received a grant from the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) through the Affordable Access to Regional Coordination Program (AARC Program) to increase and institutionalize knowledge of clean energy technologies and programs (including clean energy programs focused on low income residents or low income/affordable housing)  through capacity-building, education, coordination, or training at the local level, thereby expanding the reach of successful programs and improving access to clean energy technology for the Commonwealth’s low income residents.

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Adams - Forestry Center at Greylock Glen

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission will provide technical assistance and subcontractor oversight for the completion of the FY21 Town of Adams Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership grant to undertake conceptual planning for a Forestry Center at Greylock Glen.

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Adams - Outdoor Center at Greylock Glen

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission will provide technical assistance and subcontractor oversight for the completion of the Town of Adams Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership grant to undertake conceptual planning for climate change education to take place at the future Outdoor Center at Greylock Glen. Though this project, Memoranda of Understanding will be drafted for use in delivering services to a range of audiences, an Educational Plan will be created to establish climate change programming before and after Outdoor Center construction, and initial Outdoor Center exhibition concepts and content will be developed.

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Adams Green Communities - Energy Efficiency Projects

BRPC is providing assistance to the Town of Adams to manage a competitive grant for various energy efficiency projects awarded to the Town by the MA Department of Energy Resources (DOER). BRPC will provide grant administration, interface with DOER, serve as a liaison between the contractor and the Town, and develop outreach materials.

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Adams Outsource—Environmental and Energy

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide technical planning support to the Town of Adams Office of Community Development. Specifically, BRPC will aid Adams regarding the National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II requirements.

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Adams-Mohawk Trail Woodland Partnership Regional Adaptation & Resilience Project

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide overall grant management and support for the Mohawk Trail Woodland Partnership Regional Adaptation & Resilience Project.This regional project encompasses a range of components from the macro to the micro – addressing multiple concerns for the MTWP that have arisen due to climate change and that are identified within the communities respective Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Plans.

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Age Friendly Berkshires

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) staff will continue to build upon and expand the work of the Berkshire Age-Friendly Vision 2020 Task Force. The goal is to create an age-friendly county.

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Age Friendly Berkshires Covid-19 Outreach & Support

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) Age Friendly Berkshires will be working with AFB Committees, municipalities, regional nonprofits and businesses to support residents thru the Covid-19 pandemic, by coordinating and connecting residents to existing or new services and supports in the community.

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Age Friendly Berkshires Land Use Planning

Overall, current housing stock and residential neighborhood fabric do not adequately support senior residents as they age in most Berkshire County municipalities. Many seniors are "over-housed" in large family-sized homes, without more appropriate alternatives in their communities. This project proposes to address some of the zoning shortfalls that exacerbate this issue, and to encourage growth that follows the Massachusetts Sustainable Development Principles. Model bylaws, using the Smart Growth/Smart Energy Toolkit and other best practices will be drafted. BRPC will then work intensively with three municipalities (Egremont, Sheffield and North Adams) of varying population sizes, needs and resources, to implement up to two regulations each to encourage the production of sustainable housing to meet the needs of older adults aging in the community. This project will be easily adaptable to other municipalities.

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Age Friendly Berkshires Loneliness & Social Isolation

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) under contract with BTI for Age Friendly Berkshires will be working with AARP MA to hold a Community Conversation on Loneliness & Social Isolation on Thursday, May 28 from 10-12 via ZOOM.

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Age Friendly Berkshires Transit Options for Elders

This project will allow Age Friendly Berkshires to 1) Building awareness among residents in a 6-town sub-region (Becket, Washington, Dalton, Hinsdale, Windsor and Peru) about available transit options for elders, the disabled and other non-drivers 2) Survey residents and municipal leaders about their own/their town’s transit needs 3) Engaging residents/Towns in co-creating a solution(s).

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Age Friendly Berkshires Volunteer Fair

This grant from AARP, will support Volunteerism as a means to increase community connections, health and well-being for participants; to match potential volunteers with local non-profits and municipalities who have open positions that need to be filled; to make better use of nonprofit networks and regional media while increasing community connections; to strengthen existing Volunteer databases; to train potential volunteer or municipal board members to serve their communities.

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Age Friendly Berkshires Website

This grant from AARP, Massachusetts will enable Age Friendly Berkshires to create a dynamic, user-friendly website.

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Age Friendly Berkshires: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Project

Support local acceleration of age- and dementia-friendly diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work with our partners, assess the needs of older adults, and pilot the use of the Healthy Aging for All Planning Guide.

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Agility and Resilience in Berkshire County: Public and Private Sector Preparedness

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission, in partnership with project partner 1Berkshire, will respond to economic injury to the region as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, through regional resiliency planning, recovery project support, economic indicator tracking, technical assistance and capacity building for businesses and municipalities, and workforce and industry support.

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Bacterial Improvements in the Hoosic and Housatonic Rivers

The goal of this project is to document current bacterial levels in select river segments of the Hoosic and Housatonic River Watersheds, with the expectation that bacteria levels have decreased in those river segments due to known land use changes and/or infrastructure improvements conducted by municipal public works departments. Project partners include Housatonic Valley Association and Hoosic River Watershed Association.

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Becket FY17 Community Development Block Grant

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) is currently managing a Housing Rehabilitation Program for the Town of Becket. The Program is being funded by a $772,800 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), written and submitted on behalf of the town by BRPC, and awarded by the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development. The Program goal is to rehabilitate 20 homes, which may be located anywhere within the Town of Becket. 

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Becket Pavement Management Study

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) to conduct an assessment of pavement conditions, prepare a condition map and report.

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Berkshire Bike Path Council

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) serves as the fiduciary agent for the Berkshire Bike Path Council (BBPC) and administers BBPC funds in accordance with decisions made by the Council to promote the development of bicycle facilities in Berkshire County.

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Berkshire Brownfields Assessment Project

The goal of the proposed Assessment Project is to target contaminated petroleum and hazardous waste sites in Berkshire County, leading to remediation and reuse. This project will retain and promote employment in core developed areas, protect the health and safety of traditional neighborhoods, and maintain the rural character of outlying areas.

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Berkshire County Blueprint for Arts Education

Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA) is funding BRPC through a National Endowment for the Arts grant to design, launch and track shared measurement tools for the launch of a Berkshire County Blueprint for Arts Education.

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Berkshire County Business Owners Education Disaster Response

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) and the Berkshire Medical Reserves Corp. will work together to recruit new members into the Berkshire Medical Reserve Corps and to educate business owners in Berkshire County about their possible roles during a disaster response. BRPC will host a Leadership Breakfast at the Hotel on North for potential new members, with a business resiliency expert as a guest speaker. Participating businesses and organizations will also learn about major disaster risks in Berkshire County, and will learn about local emergency response groups that they can become part of.

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Berkshire County CEDS 2023-2027

This project will facilitate the development of Berkshire County's 2023-2027 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy. The work will include and updated SWOT analysis for the region, revisions to past goals and strategies, consideration of priority projects, analysis of economic trends and conditions, as well as the identification of metrics to measure progress, resulting in a clear articulation and prioritizing of economic goals in our region.

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Berkshire County Collaborative Campaign

This project will raise awareness of the Berkshires, with a focus on three key themes of downtown shopping and dining, outdoor recreation, and Cultural Districts. The multifaceted campaign will capture visitation information across many partner sites, as well as on, and re-target those visitors with a broader Berkshire message, ultimately encouraging them to travel to, and spend time and crucial dollars in, our region.

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Berkshire County Education Task Force

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) is providing support to the Berkshire County Education Task Force which is working to develop and recommend solutions to the declining enrollments, rising operational costs, declining or flat municipal revenues, and reductions in the diversity and range of educational programs available to students across Berkshire County. The intent of the Task Force is to develop and recommend solutions to improve access, diversity, breadth and quality of educational programs, create economies of scale through new collaborations, advance new investments in collaborative solutions, maintain and honor the unique identity of each Berkshire community, and reflect age appropriate social and learning practices.

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Berkshire County Education Task Force - Portrait of a Graduate Action Plan

The BARR Foundation has awarded a grant to Berkshire Regional Planning Commission to implement the Portrait of a Graduate Action Plan that was previously developed. This grant will work with BART, North Adams, and Pittsfield school districts to align educational outcomes.

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Berkshire County Education Task Force - Portrait of a High School Graduate

This grant will develop a portrait of a high school graduate for Drury, Berkshire Arts and Technology, Pittsfield, Taconic and Lee High Schools.

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Berkshire County Education Task Force - School District Regionalization

This grant provides support for the Berkshire County Education Task Force's effort to examine the benefits and obstacles to a single district in the county.

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Berkshire County Education Task Force - School District Regionalization 21

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has awarded BRPC a grant to explore the best means of providing students in our region with exceptional education through potential regionalization.

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Berkshire County Education Task Force Analysis 2020

The Berkshire County Education Task Force will do an analysis regarding education quality and equitable access to educational opportunities in Berkshire County public schools.

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Berkshire County Education Task Force Planning Support

The BARR Foundation has awarded a grant to BRPC to support the Berkshire County Education Task Force to build capacity, research, and support modeling.

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Berkshire County Education Task Force Support 2020

MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is providing resources for The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) to support the efforts to examine the benefits and obstacles to a single district in the county.

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Berkshire County Focus Group for Current or Former Tobacco Users

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission staff assisted the Public Health Institute of Western Massachusetts in coordinating a focus group, including assisting in participant recruitment and hosting the virtual meeting for Berkshire County residents who currently or previously have used tobacco products. The purpose of the group was to understand the experiences and perspectives regarding tobacco access and use, and about options for trying to quit. This focus group was held on Wednesday, April 3rd.

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Berkshire Education Resources K-12

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission and Berkshire Community College are providing support for Berkshire Education Resources K-12.

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Berkshire Educational Resources K12

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) is providing support to Berkshire Educational Resources K12 (BERK12), which is working to develop and recommend solutions to the declining enrollments, rising operational costs, declining or flat municipal revenues, and reductions in the diversity and range of educational programs available to students across Berkshire County. The intent of BERK12 is to develop and recommend solutions to improve access, diversity, breadth, and quality of educational programs, create economies of scale through new collaborations, advance new investments in collaborative solutions, and maintain and honor the unique identity of each Berkshire community, and reflect age-appropriate social and learning practices. This project evolved from the former Berkshire Education Task Force. More information is available at The BARR Foundation has awarded a grant to BRPC to support the BERK12 to build capacity, research, and support modeling.

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Berkshire Flyer 2.0

Continuation of efforts to implement a Pilot for Seasonal Rail Service between New York City and Pittsfield. State Senator Adam Hinds secured $100,000 in the FY19 state budget to continue moving forward the Berkshire Flyer planning process. The Outside Section authorizes the establishment of a Berkshire Flyer 2.0 Transportation Subcommittee to be co-chaired by the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) and 1Berkshire. The subcommittee will expand the members of the initial Berkshire Flyer working group to include at least 3 designees from the hospitality industry; an elected municipal official from southern and northern Berkshire County; and existing rail service stakeholders, as deemed necessary by the co-chairs.

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Berkshire Flyer Last Mile Transportation

BRPC received a state earmark to provide last-mile service for the 2024 Berkshire Flyer passengers.

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Berkshire HIV Engagement Program

The Berkshire County HIV Engagement Program (B-HIVE) builds upon existing outreach networks, prevention and harm reduction programs to coordinate and implement prevention messaging, strategic peer/street outreach that promotes HIV prevention, testing, and connections to care.

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Berkshire Leadership Impact Council Regional Indicators

Berkshire Leadership Impact Council, through the Berkshire United Way, is providing funding to update the Berkshire Benchmarks website and to create regional indicators for the county.

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Berkshire Mall Redevelopment Research

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) is providing planning services for creating a redevelopment plan to make the Berkshire Mall site a new regional destination. A new plan will incorporate scenarios for several potential new uses, including research on examples from around the country, and will also include a review of existing barriers posed by zoning, infrastructure, and current structural conditions to allow for a variety of future uses.

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Berkshire Public Health Alliance

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) is serving as the Host Fiscal Agent for the Berkshire Public Health Alliance. The Berkshire Public Health Alliance is a group of 24 municipalities that signed an Intermunicipal Agreement enabling participating municipalities to share public health staff, programs and services to improve the delivery of public health services through regional cooperation.

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Berkshire Public Health Alliance Shared Services

This grant is designed to encourage municipalities to share public health services and build toward a more comprehensive set of shared public health services. It will allow the Berkshire Public Health Alliance to hire a full-time Public Health Nurse, an Administrative Manager and at least a part-time Inspector.

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Berkshire Regional Transit Authority Assistance

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) aids the region’s transit provider, the Berkshire Regional Transit Authority (BRTA). The support activities which are provided to the BRTA include updates to the Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan, preparing the Transit portion of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and performing other transit related studies as requested. BRPC is an active member of the Berkshire Regional Coordinating Council that strives to promote alternative, cost effective ridesharing opportunities throughout the county.

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Berkshire Remote Learning Initiative

Berkshire Community Action Council is providing funds to help school districts in Berkshire County procure an online learning platform, provide funds to school districts for learning the system and hire a project coordinator.

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Berkshire Remote Learning Initiative - Software

BRPC is receiving money from Berkshire United Way, through Berkshires Tomorrow, for support of the Berkshire Regional Learning Initiative software program.

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Berkshire Remote Learning Initiative Charitable Support

Money raised through Berkshires Tomorrow Inc. is being used to support the Berkshire Remote Learning Initiative (BRLI), which is part of the Berkshire County Education Task Force. This funding supports staff and consultant time in implementing Berkshire Remote Learning.

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Berkshire Remote Learning Initiative Support

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is providing money to support the Berkshire Remote Learning Initiative (BRLI), which is part of the Berkshire County Education Task Force. This funding supports staff and consultant time in implementing Berkshire Remote Learning.

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Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation Data Project FY2020

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) is compiling data for Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation on their region as they update municipal profiles in support of their "A Closer Look" report.

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Berkshire-Hampden Training Hub

This grant is designed to create a comprehensive training program aimed at enhancing the skills and capabilities of local health staff. The training hubs serve to standardize the training and qualifications of public health agents and inspectors across the state, ensuring that they meet established workforce standards. By providing hands-on training experiences and educational resources, the training hubs aim to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public health inspections and services. Ultimately, the goal is to enhance public health outcomes and promote the well-being of communities throughout Massachusetts. This grant has enabled the Berkshire Public Health Alliance to hire one full-time and two part-time trainers, as well as a part-time administrative manager. Additionally, it has allowed the Alliance to provide food safety trainings to health agents across the state.

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Best Foot Forward Façade Improvement Grant Program

BRPC staff will assist 1Berkshire with administration of the Best Foot Forward Façade Improvement Grant Program, focused on supporting façade improvement for businesses within downtown commercial districts of Berkshire County communities.

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Briggsville Water District - Land Acquisition

Briggsville Water District has been awarded funds through an MVP grant to enhance climate resilience of their drinking water source. They are using this project to acquire land uphill of the current well in order to relocate water storage outside the floodplain. This will also allow them to increase tank storage and update tank monitoring systems to manage water quality and increase drought resilience. The rest of the parcel will be used for open space.

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Brownfields Assessment - Adams

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) is working with the Town of Adams to serve as grant manager for their community-wide Brownfields Assessment Grant. The US EPA has awarded the Town of Adams a $400,000 grant to conduct environmental assessments targeting the Rt. 8 Corridor including sites such as 50 & 26 Commercial Street, Curtis Fine Papers, Hoosac Valley Coal & Grain, and 5-7 Hoosac Street.

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Brownfields Assessment - Great Barrington

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will work with the Town of Great Barrington to serve as grant manager for their Community-wide Brownfields Assessment Grant. The US EPA has awarded the Town of Great Barrington a $300,000 grant to conduct environmental assessments targeting the Village of Housatonic including sites such as Monument Mills, Rising Mill, Cook’s Garage, Barbieri Lumber, and Hong Kong Buffet.

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Brownfields Assessment - North Adams

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will work with the City of North Adams to serve as grant manager for their Community-wide Brownfields Assessment Grant. The US EPA has awarded the City of North Adams a $300,000 grant to conduct environmental assessments targeting the Route 2/Mohawk Trail Corridor, specifically a 1 mile stretch of commercial/industrial development between the eastern gateway and the downtown. The core of the Target Area is a former textile mill (Delftree) which was originally part of the Eclipse Mills and a former factory (Barber Leather).

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Brownfields Assessment - Pittsfield

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the City of Pittsfield's Department of Community Development to oversee and manage a Brownfields Assessment grant awarded by the EPA to assess the former Stetson Dry Cleaner at 35 Federal Street.

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Brownfields Assessment Project - Lee

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will work with the Town of Lee to serve as grant manager for their Community-wide Brownfields Assessment Grant. The US EPA has awarded the Town of Lee a $300,000 grant to conduct environmental assessments targeting the former Schweitzer-Mauduit paper mills (Eagle, Columbia, Greylock and Niagara).

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Brownfields Clean Up Project - Adams

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the Town of Adams to manage an EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant to remediate the Hoosac Valley Coal and Grain site. Environmental investigations performed to date have revealed petroleum contaminated soil located down to depths of approximately 10 feet along with coal across/near the surface of a portion of the property. A geophysical survey conducted in October 2017 identified an underground storage tank (UST) near the southern portion of the Site near the Hoosic River. Site cleanup will include demolition of the two former building foundations, abatement of hazardous building materials (i.e., asbestos, lead-based paint, PCBs), removal of petroleum and coal-contaminated soils, removal of a UST, and implementation of a new Activity and Use Limitation (AUL).

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Burn Permits

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) coordinates and administers an online burn permitting program. This program, working with area Fire Departments, allows applicants wanting to get a permit for open burning to apply for that permit online.

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COVID After Action Strategic Planning for Western MA

BRPC Public Health staff, funded by the Western Region Homeland Security Advisory Council (WRHSAC) will conduct a strategic planning process to determine the scope of a COVID After Action Report (AAR) for Western Mass responders. BRPC will work with the WRHSAC Pan Flu/Planning Subcommittee, as well as with targeted respondents in order to develop a plan and scope of services for the AAR consultant.

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COVID-19 Adaptation Fund for Berkshire County

The Berkshire County COVID-19 Adaptation Fund provided grants to small for- and non-profit businesses in Berkshire County to address fixed debt, payroll, accounts payable, documented lost sales, other working capital expenses that could have been recognized had the COVID-19 pandemic not occurred. The fund also considered applications from established non-profit organizations to support programs aimed at supporting individuals and groups of individual’s impact economically by COVID-19.

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COVID-19 Emergency Funds for Municipalities

Emergency funding for COVID-19 public health response. Funding is for the 24 Berkshire Public Health Alliance municipalities and five unaffiliated communities.

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COVID-19 Regional Public Health Nursing

Emergency funding for COVID-19 public health nursing.

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COVID-19 and Influenza Vaccine Uptake Initiative

This project will allow the BRPC Public Health Program to increase vaccination among local residents who are elderly, disabled, home bound, or otherwise unable to travel, to receive their vaccines for COVID-19 and influenza either through home visits from our Public Health Nurses or through assistance with transportation to vaccination sites. The project will also formalize a sustainable relationship with our partners so that these services can be provided in the future as well.

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Census 2020

Funding has been received from Berkshire Bank, Greylock Federal Credit Union and Pittsfield Cooperative Bank to support the marketing of the 2020 Census for the hard-to-count populations, including immigrants, minorities, low income, children, college age and snowbirds.

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Census 2020 Libraries

This grant is to provide education on the Census 2020 through the libraries in the Central Berkshire district. This includes Dalton, Hinsdale, Peru, Washington, Becket, and Windsor.

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Cheshire Green Communities Competitive Grant Administrative Assistance

BRPC is working with the Town of Cheshire to select energy efficiency projects that it will implement using it’s designation grant funds through the Green Communities program. Once projects are selected, BRPC will assist the town with grant reporting requirements, a public relations campaign, contractor management, analyzing the town’s municipal energy usage, and other general Green Communities program maintenance.

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Cheshire Planning Assistance

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) is providing planning services to amend the town's zoning map and the approval of one or more bylaws to encourage industrial/commercial development in the town. In addition, this project will investigate the merits of creating an overlay zone to enhance agricultural use.

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Cheshire Zoning Support

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the Town of Cheshire, through its Planning Board, to develop zoning amendment language for a zoning overlay district for properties around Hoosac Lake, accessory dwelling unit bylaw and an accessory apartment bylaw.

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Cheshire and New Marlborough FY18 Community Development Block Grant

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission is currently managing a Housing Rehabilitation Program for the Towns of Cheshire and New Marlborough. The Program is being funded by a $998,000 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), written and submitted on behalf of the towns by BRPC, and awarded by the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development. The Program goal is to rehabilitate up to 20 homes in Cheshire and 4-6 homes in New Marlborough. The average cost per rehabilitation project is expected to be $30,000.

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Children in Disasters Phase II

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid under this project to prepare organizations to reunite children with their families in emergencies. Phase II will focus on outreach and education regarding the Plan.

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Clarksburg Drinking Water Grant Assistance

BRPC is helping assist the Briggsville Water District, which supplies drinking water to 10% of Clarksburg, MA, in identifying and developing grant applications to make necessary upgrades to the Red Springs water supply infrastructure.

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Clarksburg Green Communities Weatherization & Lighting Project

BRPC is providing assistance to the Town of Clarksburg to manage a competitive grant for a weatherization and lighting project awarded to the Town by the MA Department of Energy Resources (DOER). This project includes energy efficiency measures implemented at the Town Hall and the Elementary School. BRPC will provide grant administration, interface with DOER, serve as a liaison between the contractor and the Town, and develop outreach materials.

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Clarksburg Planning Assistance

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) is providing planning services to revise land use and zoning bylaws.

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Complete Count

The Secretary of the Commonwealth is providing funds to the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission to conduct outreach to the hard to count populations within Berkshire County.

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Complete Streets - Otis

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) project is the preparation of a Complete Streets Prioritization Plan for Otis, MA

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Complete Streets Plan - West Stockbridge

BRPC is providing professional services to develop a town wide complete streets plan which will set the direction of implementing complete streets concepts to the town's transportation network.

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Complete Streets Projects

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) has supported the discussion of how Complete Streets might fit into Berkshire communities. As part of this effort, BRPC staff has been assisting communities in the development of Complete Streets Policies, and Project Prioritization Plans. This effort includes working with a core committee to look at the existing conditions, opportunities, and challenges in implementing Complete Streets elements. Each project includes a final report summarizing the Town's existing conditions, needs, objectives, and priorities. Staff is working with Cheshire, Clarksburg, Dalton, Egremont, Gt. Barrington, Hinsdale, Lanesborough, Lenox, North Adams, Sandisfield, Stockbridge and Williamstown.

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Comprehensive Opioid Stimulant and Substance Abuse Program

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission and Partners will participate in technical assistance meetings with Northampton Health Department to engage in capacity building, infrastructure, education co-learning, and program development.

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County Health Rankings Event

This project will allow the County Health Initiative (CHI) to build capacity, and to sponsor an event corresponding with the release of the 2019 County Health Rankings.

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Covid-19 Front Line Worker Fridge Filler Program

The goal of the Fridge Filler program is to provide fresh, healthy, locally sourced food products to frontline workers in a convenient, safe manner through pre-packaged bags of food products including fruits, vegetables, breads, and prepared foods such as soups and salad in approximately 25 servings per week, most of which is sourced from local purveyors.

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Dalton CDBG Regional Grant - Includes Sheffield, Stockbridge, & Becket

The FY20 Regional Dalton CDBG grant includes Sheffield, Stockbridge and Becket. The $1,298,304 grant will provide to provide housing rehabilitation services to at least 20 homeowners in the four towns, as well as municipal ADA planning in Dalton. This is a HUD funded grant program, with competitive grants awarded through the MA Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) and will be used to assist low to moderate income homeowners correct code violations, weatherization, and other deferred maintenance in their homes. BRPC will assist the Town of Dalton with grant administration and will manage the housing rehabilitation program. Typical projects undertaken through the CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Program include roofs and window replacements, electrical and plumbing upgrades, heating systems and septic systems.

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Dalton Fire District - ADA Self-Evaluation & Transition Plan

Through this project, BRPC staff will provide assistance to the Dalton Fire District in performing an ADA Self-evaluation and developing a Transition Plan to address any inadequacies in programs, policies and/or physical barriers that have been identified.

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Dalton Green Infrastructure and Education

Dalton will work with the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) to integrate emergency communications and education into the green infrastructure and environmental stewardship planning and implementation process by drawing connections between neighbors and environmental systems.

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Decarbonizing Berkshire County Through Municipal Energy Self-Sufficiency

The Decarbonizing Berkshire County Through Municipal Energy Self-Sufficiency project aims to assist the region to get ahead of the curve and prepare for the future in the rapidly advancing areas of green energy. Through this project BRPC will work with participating communities to explore solar, battery storage, and EV charging from three perspectives relevant to municipalities: 1) regulatory/permitting; 2) long-range planning/siting; and 3) energy consumption (i.e., municipal solar, EV for municipal fleets). Through this project communities will be equipped to plan ahead and prepare for the future by identifying potential barriers, pitfalls, perverse incentives, as well as ways to intentionally incentivize certain types of development or design components. It is also critical for communities to get ahead of the curve in their role as an energy consumer.

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Design and Implementation Plans for Phosphorus Reduction in Lake Garfield

This project is in collaboration with the Town of Monterey to address nonpoint source pollution of sediment and phosphorus coming from a section of Hupi Road into Lake Garfield. BRPC is providing grant support and outreach while the Town is working with the engineering firm Foresight Land Services to design conceptual treatment Best Management Practices.

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District Local Technical Assistance 2020

The District Local Technical Assistance (DLTA) program enables Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) staff to provide technical assistance to member municipalities. This assistance must focus on advancing municipal partnerships, planning for housing and planning for growth and is intended to encourage and enable municipalities to work together to achieve and/or enhance cost effective service delivery, or to create and sustain ongoing collaboration and consultation on issues affecting the municipalities, such as land use and planning for new economic and housing growth. Projects and activities should result in a measurable change in the municipalities, whether in law, regulation, program management, or practice.

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District Local Technical Assistance 2021

The District Local Technical Assistance (DLTA) program enables Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) staff to provide technical assistance to member municipalities. This assistance must focus on advancing municipal partnerships, planning for housing, planning for growth, support Community Compact, and support Housing Choice. It is intended to encourage and enable municipalities to work together to achieve and/or enhance cost effective service delivery, or to create and sustain ongoing collaboration and consultation on issues affecting the municipalities, such as land use and planning for new economic and housing growth. Projects and activities should result in a measurable change in the municipalities, whether in law, regulation, program management, or practice.

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Economic Development Planning - Cheshire - Phase 1

BRPC will assemble a body of information that can be used as the foundation for future phased-in, asset-based economic development planning in Cheshire, MA.

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Economic Development Planning - Hinsdale

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) provided the services of an Economic Development planner to assist the Town of Hinsdale to advance economic development activities in the town.

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Economic Development Planning - Lenox

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) is provided services of a Senior Planner to improve long-term fiscal sustainability through economic development activities in the Town of Lenox, specifically through tasks pertaining to the implementation of the recently designated Lenox Cultural District.

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Economic Development Planning - Richmond

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) provided the services of an Economic Development planner to assist the Town of Richmond to advance economic development activities in the town.

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Egremont Pavement Management 2022 Update

The Town of Egremont has requested assistance from Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) to perform a 2022 pavement condition assessment in conjunction with updating a 2016 Road Condition Report for the town. This work and the updated report can be used by the town in prioritizing road improvement projects and resurfacing projects.

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EmPower Pilot

BRPC has received a grant from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Technology Center (MassCEC) EmPower Massachusetts (EmPower) Program to lead an effort collaborating with the City of Pittsfield, Berkshire Environmental Action Team, Center for EcoTechnology, and Berkshire Community Action Council. The grant will be used to perform research on the mechanisms for addressing the landlord/renter split incentive challenge which includes an analysis of Pittsfield’s market conditions, researching nationwide case studies for related program models and tools to address the challenges, options for energy efficiency, development of an outreach and education campaign for landlords and renters, and seeking potential local energy efficiency coaches.

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Emergency Shelters for Special Populations

In previous response exercises, it was reported that there was a gap in first responders' ability to meet the access and functional needs of the population. This gap has also been identified in several real-world responses. Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will focus on meeting access and functional needs of the population in everyday incidents and large-scale incidents such as MCI or large-scale disaster response.

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Enhanced Town Service Sharing - Shared Town Administrator

BRPC will assist the towns of Washington and Middlefield share a Town Administrator position. In addition, BRPC will assess the potential for other shared service agreements between similar small towns.

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Environmental Education Exhibit at Greylock Glen

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission, in collaboration with Adams, North Adams, Williamstown, Cheshire, and other northern Berkshire communities, will design and implement an indoor educational exhibit highlighting regional climate change impacts, forest-focused solutions, and the value of land conservation for people and wildlife.

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Equity in Emergency Management Consultant

This project will allow the BRPC Public Health Program to conduct a needs assessment relevant to improving equity in emergency management planning, preparedness, and response in Western Massachusetts.

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FDA Food Safety Best Practices for Retail Inspections

BRPC staff and Berkshire Public Health Alliance inspectors will provide a research report on best practices and strategies for small, rural communities in meeting FDA Standard 3 (utilization of HACCP principles to control risk factors in a retail food inspection program). BRPC staff, inspectors and members will complete a model set of plans, policies and procedures that consider local risk factors for Alliance members to adopt which will meet Standard 3. BRPC will work with one or more communities to modify, adopt and implement written policies that meet Standard 3 and update their online assessment information.

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FDA Food Safety—National FDA Conference

The Berkshire Public Health Alliance Senior Inspector to attend a national FDA Conference on Food Safety to be held in Denver, CO.

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FDA Standardization Services

The Berkshire Public Health Alliance Senior Inspector to provide oversight and mentorship to the Franklin County Cooperative Services Inspector.

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Farmers Market Promotion Program

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will support the operation of independent farmers markets, build capacity and increase customer volume and sales. The Berkshire Market Collective will bring together all the market managers to provide technical assistance and an outlet to share information, streamline market operations and reduce administrative burden. A unified market campaign will be developed to advertise the markets within the region while celebrating the individuality of each market. Data will be collected that measures sales in dollars and initial customer count and documents customer and sales increases.

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Florida Paving Procurement

BRPC will assist the Town of Florida in implementing its MA WRAP grant by drafting the bid package and guiding the procurement process for paving various sections of town-owned roadway.

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Food Assessment

The Berkshire Public Health Alliance, as part of its food protection program, will reassess the food protection programs of at least two previously assessed municipalities, and assess at least one new municipality, in conjunction with the FDA's Retail Standards Grant Program.

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Food Protection Assessments

The Berkshire Public Health Alliance, as part of its food protection program, will continue to assist communities in self-assessments of their food protection program and provide technical assistance on meeting Standards 2 and 7 of the FDA Federal Standards.

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Food Safety Comprehensive Strategic Plan - Egremont

The Alliance members and staff will conduct a comprehensive assessment of its current food safety program, including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; identify objectives and priorities; develop a list of doable new projects and goals and then outline the needed resources, realistic timelines, reports, milestones, and collaborations.

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Food Safety Retail Standards

These grants will allow the assessment or re-assessments of a Berkshire County municipality in accordance with FDA Food Safety Standards.

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Food Safety Retail Standards Re-assessment - Adams

Berkshire Public Health Alliance staff will assist the Town of Adams in completing a re-assessment of all nine FDA Retail Program Standards and developing a work-plan for any missing elements.

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Food Safety Retail Standards Re-assessment - Egremont

Berkshire Public Health Alliance staff will assist the Town of Egremont in completing a re-assessment of all nine FDA Retail Program Standards and developing a work-plan for any missing elements.

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Food Safety Retail Standards Re-assessment - Sheffield

Berkshire Public Health Alliance staff will assist the Town of Sheffield in completing a re-assessment of all nine FDA Retail Program Standards and developing a work-plan for any missing elements.

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Food Standards Training

The Berkshire Public Health Alliance to continue to work both one-on-one with municipalities, as well as offering training, to allow Berkshire County Boards of Health to meet Standards 2 and 7 of the FDA Food Standards.

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Forest Resilience Carbon Storage Practices

The objective of this project is to assist the MTWP municipalities and landowners in achieving greater resilience of the forests to withstand climate change by implementing a suite of best practices to mitigate and adapt to climate change through forest management activities that increase tree retention and growth, enhance species diversity and reduce forest threats.

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From Parent to Advocate: Webinar

A webinar that will be accessible on the Berkshire Overdose Addiction Prevention Collaborative's (BOAPC) website. This webinar will teach parents how to become an advocate for their child with substance use disorder.

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Great Barrington Green Communities Competitive Grant Program

Grant funds will be used for energy efficiency measures at two municipal buildings. BRPC will provide administrative support to the Town for the activities conducted under the grant and the greater Green Communities program. BRPC will also provide outreach and publicity related to the grant and/or projects in the form of a press release issued by the Town, a municipal/school newsletter article, and a newspaper article or equivalent based on relevant Town communication channels.

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Greylock Flume Inc. Brownfields Clean up

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will work with the nonprofit Greylock Flume, Inc. to serve as project manager for an EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant to remediate contamination within the flume at the Greylock Mill in North Adams.

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HIV Capacity Development & Planning

The purpose of the Berkshire County Community Engagement & Response Program is to work with the existing emergency preparedness coalition and newly-engaged community partners, including people living with HIV (PLWH) and those who are actively working with injection drug users (IDU), to do a series of community workshops, design a blood-borne pathogen (HIV) community response plan, and to test that plan at an exercise. This HIV community response plan will reflect Berkshire County's unique geographical and demographical needs and the specific needs of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH) and active drug users; it will also be used in future years as a template upon which to build a more comprehensive blood-borne pathogen outbreak community response plan.

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Adams

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the Town of Adams with development of their Hazard Mitigation Plan. BRPC will provide technical and planning services to assist the Towns in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan update to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The existing 2013 plan will be used as the foundation upon which to build and update, as necessary, to meet FEMA requirements. BRPC will conduct public outreach, a risk assessment, and develop the plans.

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Clarksburg

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the Town of Clarksburg, with composing their FEMA approved Hazard Mitigation Plan.

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Dalton

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the Town of Dalton, with development of their Hazard Mitigation Plan. BRPC will provide technical and planning services to assist the Towns in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan update to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The existing 2013 plan will be used as the foundation upon which to build and update, as necessary, to meet FEMA requirements. BRPC will conduct public outreach, a risk assessment, and develop the plans.

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Great Barrington

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide technical and planning services to assist the Town of Great Barrington in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Hinsdale

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the Town of Hinsdale, with development of their Hazard Mitigation Plan. BRPC will provide technical and planning services to assist Hinsdale in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan update to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The existing 2013 plan will be used as the foundation upon which to build and update, as necessary, to meet FEMA requirements. BRPC will conduct public outreach, a risk assessment, and develop the plans.

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Monterey

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide technical and planning services to assist Monterey in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Mt. Washington

BRPC is working with the Town of Mount Washington to complete a combined Hazard Mitigation and Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Plan. This plan will not only identify and prepare the town for current hazards but look forward to how climate change will impact emergency preparedness needs, the environment, and vulnerable populations in the area.

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - New Marlborough

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide technical and planning services to assist New Marlborough in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - North Adams

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide technical and planning services to assist North Adams in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Otis

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide technical and planning services to assist Otis in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Peru

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide technical and planning services to assist Peru in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Sheffield

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the Town of Sheffield with development of their Hazard Mitigation Plan. BRPC will provide technical and planning services to assist Sheffield in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan update to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The existing 2013 plan will be used as the foundation upon which to build and update, as necessary, to meet FEMA requirements. BRPC will conduct public outreach, a risk assessment, and develop the plans.

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Washington

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide technical and planning services to assist Washington in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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Hazard Mitigation Plan Update - Lanesborough

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide technical and planning services to assist Lanesborough in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan update to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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Hazard Mitigation and Municipal Vulnerability Plan - Williamstown

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will work with the Town of Williamstown to develop a FEMA-approved Hazard Mitigation Plan Update that will also comply with the requirements of the MA Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program.

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Healing Communities Study - Pittsfield Site

The HEALing Communities Study (HCS) aims to reduce opioid-related overdose deaths by 40% during the 18 months of the study through implementation of Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs) across health care, behavioral health, justice, and other community settings by: Increasing naloxone (Narcan) distribution and overdose prevention education Increasing access to medication for opioid use disorder Improving opioid prescribing safety From July 2022 through December 2023, a coalition of diverse community stakeholders is meeting to review local data and resources, consider how to best apply the EBPs locally, then continually evaluate their implementation and impact.

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Health Boards Best Practices

This project will allow the Berkshire Public Health Alliance to create templates and standards for board of health best practices to support uniform, efficient and effective board of health offices. The Alliance will work with several smaller towns to implement practices.

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Healthy and Efficient Homes Pilot Project

The Healthy and Efficient Homes Pilot Project seeks to address indoor environmental hazards and energy efficiency issues in homes within the Morningside and Westside neighborhoods in Pittsfield. This project aims to improve the overall health and safety of housing units in response to the myriad of health inequities experienced by residents and common hazards found in older homes, especially those that have been poorly maintained. BRPC will partner with Habitat for Humanity as well as Berkshire Environmental Action Team, and engage with the City of Pittsfield Community Development and Health Departments to implement this program.

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Housatonic Stream Restoration for Regional Flood Resilience

Four communities (Lenox, Pittsfield, Stockbridge, and New Marlborough) will embark on regional, community-wide culvert assessments of approximately 400 culverts, and design the replacement of three priority culverts. A unique feature to this project is the component of youth development—youth from Environmental Justice communities will be hired to conduct the assessments. Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) is supporting this project by providing overall grant administration and acting as the community liaison during outreach activities.

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Housatonic Valley Association - Churchill Brook Culvert Replacement

BRPC is collaborating with the Housatonic Valley Association to do outreach using the Churchill St. culvert in Pittsfield as a example culvert replacement project. BRPC will be assisting by performing a needs assessment and promoting workshop participation county-wide.

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Housatonic Valley Association - Municipal Culvert Replacement Cooperative

BRPC is working with the Housatonic Valley Association to develop a regional Culvert Replacement Cooperative. As part of this, BRPC will determine the feasibility of group purchasing for culvert replacements and connect with county communities and local highway superintendents to assess the challenges and long-term benefits of culvert replacement according to Massachusetts Road-Stream Crossing Standards. 

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Housing Needs Assessment - Great Barrington

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will perform a Housing Needs Assessment for the town of Great Barrington, updating the 2013 Great Barrington Sheffield Needs Assessment, with the focus on Great Barrington.

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Lanesborough Road Condition Survey

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) to provide services for a pavement condition assessment for the town.

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Lee - Future Use of Stockbridge Road Parcel

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission will provide technical assistance to the Town of Lee to evaluate and plan for a town owned parcel along Stockbridge Road. This work would enable the town to comply with a recently awarded Best Practices Grant through the Commonwealths’ Community Compact Grant Program. The Town acquired 171 acres of land in 1993 along Stockbridge Road. Since that time, a portion of the land has been leased for agriculture but there has been no formal plan produced for the property. The Town would like to explore options for a more deliberate use of that land for such items as parks/outdoor recreation while continuing to use portions of the land for sustainable agriculture. BRPC will conduct an inventory and assessment of the land, involve residents and other community leaders and stakeholders to assess what recreational needs could be best met with this land, evaluate the land for the continued and sustained use of this property for natural resources and agriculture and provide recommendations to the town.

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Lee Community Center Survey

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the town of Lee and the Lee Youth Commission by conducting a community survey and report the resident’s feelings on a Community Center.

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Lenox—Cultural District Application

The Town of Lenox requested assistance in preparing an application for designation of a Cultural District within their downtown. The application was submitted to the Mass Cultural Council (MCC) during FY19.

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Local Health Support — Covid-19 Contact Tracing

This grant will allow the Berkshire Public Health Alliance to hire an epidemiologist and 1.7 Community Health Workers (CHW) to assist with COVID-19 contact tracing and other associated tasks.

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Local Rapid Recovery Planning

The LRRP program will provide technical assistance to the communities of Adams, Great Barrington, North Adams, and Williamstown to help them develop plans tailored to the unique economic challenges and immediate COVID-19 impacts that have affected downtowns, town centers, and commercial areas. Plans will be action oriented and will include short, medium, and long-term recovery strategies, offering communities and stakeholders a concise roadmap for project-related investments. Each plan will include a thorough analysis and exploration of COVID-19 related challenges and barriers and conclude with a set of well-defined projects and strategies to address recovery needs.

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Local Rapid Recovery Planning - Subject Matter Expert Services

The LRRP Subject Matter Expert program will provide technical assistance on an as-needed basis to communities and Plan Facilitators working on rapid recovery planning in Massachusetts through the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD).

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Massachusetts Health Officers Association Technical Assistance

This grant will allow the Berkshire Public Health Alliance to provide technical assistance to small Boards of Health in areas where they are struggling. Several focus groups will be held with Boards of Health to determine areas that are challenging, materials will be gathered into a guide and in-person field assistance will be provided.

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Master Plan - Cheshire

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide direction and guidance to assist the Town of Cheshire to prepare a Master Plan.

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Master Plan - Lenox

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) to aid the Town of Lenox in preparing an update to its 1999 Comprehensive Master Plan.

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Master Plan - Monterey

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) is assisting the Town of Monterey to prepare a Master Plan.

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Master Plan - Windsor

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide direct guidance and assist the Town of Windsor to prepare a Master Plan.

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Master Plan and Open Space & Recreation Plan - Lee

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide direct guidance and assist the Town of Lee to concurrently prepare a Master Plan and an Open Space & Recreation Plan.

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Master and Open Space and Recreation Plan - West Stockbridge

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission will provide direct guidance and assist the Town of West Stockbridge to concurrently prepare a Master Plan and an Open Space & Recreation Plan. Additionally, BRPC will provide guidance and assist the town with amending current zoning bylaws regarding delineation of zoning districts, accessory dwelling units, short term rental regulation, and multi-family housing.

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Mohawk Trail - Hawlemont School District Sustainability Study Phase 2

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission is assisting BERK12 in providing data and projections for the Mohawk Trail - Hawlemont school district sustainability study.

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Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership Project (feasibility)

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC), in partnership with the Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) and the Franklin Land Trust (FLT) is conducting a planning and public outreach process to explore interest in a new partnership with State and Federal agencies for 21 towns in northwestern Massachusetts. The partnership could lead to a new designation by the State and U.S. Forest Service which could provide state and federal funds and technical assistance to expand forestry activities on privately owned land and to support tourism-based businesses. This potential designation would focus on forest-based economic development like recreational tourism, forest management, and research on new forest related manufacturing technologies.

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Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership Project (implementation)

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission, working with the Franklin Regional Council of Governments, will assist in the development and implementation of the Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership.

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Monterey FY17 Community Development Block Grant Housing Rehabilitation Project

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will serve as Housing Rehabilitation Program Manager, and provide Program Delivery, for the FY17 Monterey CDBG Grant. This program will rehabilitate up to 18 homes for low to moderate income homeowners.

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Municipal Cybersecurity Services Pilot

This project will establish a regionalized municipal cybersecurity program in Berkshire County. This project will support communities in Berkshire County to make their internet-based information technology systems safer and standardized.

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Municipal Digital Equity Planning - Dalton

To create a Municipal Digital Equity Plan for the town of Dalton through a multi-pronged process involving municipal coordination, situational analysis of existing conditions, community outreach and engagement, exploration of future funding opportunities, and recommendation development leading to a final report and plan.

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Municipal Digital Equity Planning - Pittsfield

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission was selected by the City of Pittsfield to lead a Digital Equity Planning process that includes a comprehensive existing conditions analysis; expanded community/stakeholder engagement related to digital literacy, devices, connectivity, affordability, and digital equity; strategic recommendations to meet the needs and goals of residents experiencing impacts of the digital divide; and an assessment of existing or future funding available through sources such as the American Rescue Plan Act ("ARPA") and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act ("IIJA").

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Municipal Energy Technical Assistance

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide Green Communities technical assistance to Berkshire County municipalities. BRPC will aid Adams, Cheshire, Clarksburg, Dalton, Gt. Barrington, Hinsdale, Lanesborough, North Adams, Monterey, Peru, Richmond, Sandisfield and Washington as they pursue Green Communities designation and aid with the reporting requirements to municipalities who are Green Communities.

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Municipal Vulnerability Action Plan - Monterey

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide grant administration and community outreach/education services for the Town of Monterey as they implement the design phase to replace the Route 23 culvert.

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Municipal Vulnerability Plan - Dalton

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid the Town of Dalton in pursuing next steps indentified through the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) planning process including a developing a scope of services for a H&H study at Walker Brook.

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Municipal Vulnerability Plan - Great Barrington

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid the Town of Great Barrington in completing the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) planning process to achieve MVP community designation and update the Town's Hazard Mitigation Plan.

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Municipal Vulnerability Plan - Lenox

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid the Town of Lenox in completing the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) planning process to achieve MVP community designation and update the Town's Hazard Mitigation Plan.

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Municipal Vulnerability Plan - Mt. Washington

BRPC is working with the Town of Mount Washington to complete a combined Hazard Mitigation and Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Plan. This plan will not only identify and prepare the town for current hazards but look forward to how climate change will impact emergency preparedness needs, the environment, and vulnerable populations in the area.

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Municipal Vulnerability Plan - North Adams

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid the City of North Adams in completing the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) planning process to achieve MVP climate community designation.

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Municipal Vulnerability Plan - Phase 2 - Dalton

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid the Town of Dalton in completing the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) planning process to achieve MVP climate community designation.

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Municipal Vulnerability Plan - Sandisfield

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid the Town of Sandisfield in completing the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) planning process to achieve MVP climate community designation.

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Municipal Vulnerability Plan - Windsor

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid the Town of Windsor in completing the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) planning process to achieve MVP community designation and update the Town's Hazard Mitigation Plan.

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Municipal Vulnerability Plan Action Grant - Monterey

BRPC is assisting the Town of Monterey through their Phase II MVP Action Grant to replace the Route 23/Main St. Culvert near Town Hall. This project is a climate adaptation effort to make Town Hall and essential facilities less vulnerable to increased storms. Monterey is working with GZA to complete final engineering designs and permitting. BRPC is helping with outreach, project, and grant administration, including rain garden construction on private property and a climate resilience guide for homeowners.

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Municipal Vulnerability Plan and Hazard Mitigation Plan - Cheshire

BRPC is working with the Town of Cheshire to complete a combined Hazard Mitigation and Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Plan. This plan will identify and prepare the town for hazards especially in terms of climate change. There will be a focus on the impact of historical events and vulnerabilities, as well as future actions needed to mitigate impacts on the town infrastructure, the environment, society, and vulnerable populations.

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Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness - Rowe

BRPC will assist Mass Audubon and the Franklin Regional Council of Governments to recruit stakeholders within Berkshire County members of the Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership. BRPC will also participate in period meetings of the stakeholder group.

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Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Plan - Otis

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid the Town of Otis in completing the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) planning process to achieve MVP community designation and prepare a Town Hazard Mitigation Plan.

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Non-Pharmaceutical Intervention

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will research existing guidance, plans and practices and compile information most relevant to establishing a Non-Pharmaceutical Intervention (NPI) in Western Massachusetts to slow the spread of illness.

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North Adams Business Guide

BRPC will work with the City of North Adams to create a simplified system for existing and new businesses to access the information and guidance they need to operate in the city.

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North Adams Downtown Circulation Plan

The grant will be used to complete a Circulation and Distribution Plan for the North Adams Downtown area. The plan will focus on linking neighborhoods and points of attraction, such as Mass. MoCA and MCLA. Long term transportation needs for the downtown area will also be addressed, including identifying ways to enhance traffic safety and increase facilities for biking and walking. The plan will also examine the future Berkshire Bike Path, which is expected to someday pass through the North Adams downtown. Project work will include significant outreach to downtown businesses and the public to help guide plan development.

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North Adams Eagle Street Pedestrian Feasibility Study

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) to provide services for the Eagle Street Pedestrian Mall Woonerf Feasibility Study will engage business owners and other interested persons about limiting vehicular traffic on Eagle Street to allow for greater pedestrian use. Conceptual designs will be prepared and presented to business and property owners along this section of Eagle Street. At the end of this study effort, the City will be able to determine whether to proceed with engineering design for the concepts developed during the feasibility study.

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North Adams Green Communities Competitive Grant Administrative Assistance

BRPC is assisting the City of North Adams in managing the funding it received to make energy efficiency upgrades to municipal buildings and vehicles through the Green Communities Competitive Grant program. Projects include weatherization and insulation at City Hall, weatherization at the Public Safety complex, a LED lighting upgrade at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, a transformer upgrade at the Vietnam Veterans Ice Rink, and partial funding towards the purchase of a hybrid police cruiser, which are estimated to save a combined 681 MMBTU of energy and $26,197 annually. BRPC will assist the City with grant reporting requirements, a public relations campaign, contractor management, and analyzing the City’s municipal energy usage.

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North Adams Outdoor Theater Park

The City of North Adams is engaging in a site selection analysis for a new outdoor theater park in the city center. The park is intended to be used for activities such as concerts, plays, shows, dance and other performance. Data collection, investigative research and urban planning principals will factor into the site selection process. Topics to be focused on include available property, ease of pedestrian access, surrounding businesses, traffic counts, safety, available parking, and the physical environment as it relates to the human scale.

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North Adams Zoning Amendments

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the City of North Adams with a comprehensive review and re-drafting of its zoning ordinance.

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Northern Berkshire CDBG-CV Regional Microenterprise Assistance Program

  Berkshire Regional Planning Commission, the Town of Adams and their municipal partners are pleased to announce the FY19 Community Development Block Grant CDBG CV...

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Online Outdoor Recreation Asset Map and Commerce Connectivity

BRPC will complete a GIS-based map that provides thorough information on outdoor recreation locations across the Berkshires, linking them to nearby amenities and commercial districts.

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Online Permitting Upgrade

The Commonwealth is funding BRPC through its Efficiency and Regionalization program to upgrade the Building Permit Software for 21 communities and the Board of Health Permitting Software for 13 communities.

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Open Space & Recreation Plan - Becket

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the Town of Becket in preparing an Open Space and Recreation Plan.

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Open Space & Recreation Plan - Pittsfield

This project will involve the creation of a public survey that will be prepared and analyzed on behalf of the City of Pittsfield. Future work will involve developing the entirety of the plan.

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Open Space & Recreation Plan - Williamstown

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission will assist the Town of Williamstown in preparing an Open Space and Recreation Plan.

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Open Space Recreational Plan - Hinsdale

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the Town of Hinsdale prepare an Open Space and Recreation Plan and Natural Resources Preservation Bylaw.

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Open Space and Recreation Plan - Dalton

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide planning services to the Town of Dalton to aid them in updating their Open Space and Recreation Plan.

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Open Space and Recreation Plan - Monterey

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the Town of Monterey in preparing an Open Space and Recreation Plan.

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Opioid Affected Youth Initiative

The four-county Western Massachusetts collaboration will transform the systems serving emerging adults to prevent opioid misuse, address the needs of young adults currently addicted to opioids, and increase their health outcomes as they transition into adulthood.

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Opioid Death Reduction

Boston Medical Center (BMC) was awarded $89 million in funding to lead a research study with the goal of reducing opioid deaths by 40% in some of the most heavily impacted Massachusetts communities. BMC’s study is part of a bold, trans-agency effort to speed scientific solutions to stem the national opioid crisis. The approach of BMC's study will be to partner with 16 communities across the state to test the impact of a community-engaged intervention with an integrated set of evidence-based practices delivered across healthcare, behavioral health, justice, and other community-based settings. Berkshire Regional Planning Commission, via the Berkshire Opioid Addiction Prevention Collaborative, is the fiscal agent and the coordinator of the Pittsfield site.

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Opioid Prevention Northern Berkshire Region

This funding will be used to support the Berkshire Opioid Addiction Prevention Collaborative’s post-overdose engagement work in the Northern Berkshire region.

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Opioid Response in Rural Communities

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission, through the Berkshire Public Health Alliance is coordinating the Berkshire Opioid Abuse Prevention Collaborative. The Berkshire Opioid Abuse Prevention Collaborative will develop and implement local policies, practices, systems and environmental changes to prevent the misuse or abuse of opioids, prevent or reduce unintentional deaths and non-fatal hospital events associated with opioid poisonings and increase the capacity of municipalities to deal with the growing problem.

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Outdoor Recreation Planning

BRPC, through BTI, is providing assistance to Mill Town in convening outdoor recreation forums and continue ongoing planning and research related to outdoor recreation.

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Outdoor Recreation and Exercise Equipment

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will develop an accessible walking path behind the Dalton Senior Center Council on Aging Building. BRPC will also purchase ADA compliant seating, chess tables and outdoor exercise equipment for adults to use. These amenities are expected to increase use of this park by all ages.

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Outreach and Engagement Services to Support Digital Equity Statewide Plans: Berkshire County

BRPC has been selected to provide services to support MBI’s stakeholder engagement process for Digital Equity Act (“DEA”) and Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (“BEAD”) statewide planning efforts as well as future implementation activities under these programs. Working with local organizations that serve specific target populations, BRPC will plan and execute focus groups with members of one or more of the Target Populations for the purpose of gathering key information, input, and lived experiences from these populations.

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Overdose Data to Action

The Berkshire Post-Overdose Program (BPOP) aims to send out field teams consisting of EMS and Peer Support Workers to provide outreach to those who have recently experienced an overdose and/or are at heightened risk for future overdose. These visits will include a wellness check, connection to naloxone, and linkage to recovery, harm reduction, and/or treatment resources that the person may be interested in.

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Overdose Data to Action Pilots

This grant supports post-overdose engagement pilots in Northern Berkshire and Pittsfield, as well as comprehensive harm reduction policy work county-wide.

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Pavement Management - Lanesborough

This project will assess the current conditions of all town-owned roads within Lanesborough. Based on the findings of the road surface assessment, a map and report will be prepared with recommendations for the town to consider for future investments.

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Peer Technical Assistance Network Summit

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will participate in the Peer Technical Assistance Network Summit related to aging population.

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Peru ADA Plan

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide services to the town of Peru on an ADA self-evaluation and transition plan.

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Pittsfield 5 Year Consolidated Plan

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the City of Pittsfield in compiling data, public input and drafting its U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 5-year plan.

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Pittsfield Food Pantry Accessibility

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) Age Friendly Berkshires will be working with the City of Pittsfield Disability Commission and AdLib to assess food pantry sites for accessibility by persons with disabilities and review the transportation network in the neighborhoods in which the pantries are located, with an eye toward improving access to pantries for food-insecure residents.

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Pittsfield Youth Prevention Connection

The Pittsfield Youth Prevention Coalition (PYPC) will establish a substance use prevention and protection collaborative for middle school and high school ages in Central Berkshire County. This initiative is intended to prevent and/or reduce misuse of substances of first use (e.g., alcohol, nicotine, cannabis) among youth and/or the consequences associated with substance use (e.g., driving under the influence, inconsistent enforcement of school chemical health policies).

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Prevention and Treatment of Hepatitis C

This funding is to support public health activities related to the prevention and treatment of hepatitis C (HCV). BOAPC will reconvene the county-wide hepatitis C working group, work with clinical partners to train more primary care physicians/clinical partners in providing treatment for HCV, and will facilitate two in-person Community of Practice dinners for clinicians in the Berkshires interested in learning more about HCV, a fall county-wide 'HCV Treatment Update' for any interested providers to learn about current practices and changes to HCV treatment, and a training for medical residents at BMC in October 2023.

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Promotion of the Arts in Education

BRPC is partnering with MCLA and the C4 Initiative to promote Berkshire County's cultural institutions to local educators and students in an effort to improve the arts in the county.

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Public Health Excellence for Shared Services

This grant is designed to encourage municipalities to share public health services and build toward a more comprehensive set of shared public health services. It allows the Berkshire Public Health Alliance to staff a full-time Public Health Nurse and community educator, a part-time Administrative Manager, and a full-time Health Inspector. Additionally, the Alliance provides numerous vaccination clinics, subsidized and free training opportunities, and other educational offerings and services for PHE members.

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Public Health Shared Services

This grant will allow the Berkshire Public Health Alliance to operate more effectively and efficiently by allowing for the hire of a part-time administrative assistant, as well as scheduling software and the expansion of on-line permitting.

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Racial Equity Capacity Building

This contract from the PHIWM covers limited time spent by BRPC full time staff on the Racial Equity Capacity Building assessment and training program facilitated by the Women of Color Health Equity Collective (WOCHEC).

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Recreational Tourism Inventory and Mapping

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) has been hired by FRCOG to assist with a Recreational Tourism Inventory and Mapping project for the Mohawk Trail Woodland Partnership Region. This project will inventory recreational assets in the region, inventory tourism support services and prepare recommendations for facilities and services needed in the region.

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Regional Food Safety Strategic Plan and Inspections

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is providing funding to the Berkshire Public Health Alliance to develop a five-year strategic plan on improving food safety in Berkshire County, improving the Board of Health Online Permitting program, training on food safety inspectors.

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Regional Food Safety and Inspection

The objective of this program is to create an enhanced regional local regulatory environment for food inspections in nine or more communities through online permitting, standardized forms, policies and procedures, enhanced training of food inspectors and sharing of inspectors.

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Regional Outdoor Recreation Plan

At the request of Mill Town Capital, BRPC will generate an outdoor recreation plan for the benefit of the region and to guide investment in and development of outdoor recreation amenities in the Berkshires.

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Regional Outdoor Recreation Plan Phase 2

At the request of Mill Town Capital, BRPC is convening stakeholder meetings related to the Berkshire County Outdoor Recreation Plan. These meetings will aid in increasing the knowledge of outdoor recreation in the region.

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Regional Shelter Exercise

The Western Region Homeland Security Advisory Council (WRHSAC) Training and Exercise Committee has allocated funds to exercise the Regional Shelter Plans adopted last year. There will be exercises coordinated with each of the three Regional Emergency Planning Committees in Berkshire County.

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Root Cause Equity in Heat Emergencies Project

This project aims to understand and address the root causes of disparities during heat emergencies.

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Root Cause Solutions Exchange

This project, associated with the Rural Vaccination Equity grant, will allow for work on root causes of health inequities. Specifically, this project will provide funding to create a toolkit for municipalities looking to diversify their housing and a checklist for municipalities interested in housing rehab programs.

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Sandisfield Green Communities Heat Pump Installation

BRPC will provide grant administration assistance for a Green Communities Competitive Grant awarded to the Town by the MA Department of Energy Resources. The grant funds will be used for the installation of heat pumps at the Town Hall Annex and the library, which will off-set the current oil fuel boilers, which will remain in place solely as a backup heat source.  The heat pump systems will increase efficiency in the buildings while also reducing the Town’s dependence on fossil fuels.  In addition, the systems will result in a significant reduction in the Town’s heating cost.

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Savoy Procurement Services

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) to provide the Town of Savoy technical assistance in School Fence Procurement.

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Senior Villages

This project will allow BTI/BRPC to study the feasibility of applying the national Village to Village Network model to a low-income, rural population. The project will focus on the north county municipalities of North Adams, Adams, Clarksburg, Florida and Savoy.

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Sheffield Workforce and Affordable Housing Project

BRPC has been working closely with Sheffield as the town continues to focus on its housing goals. The next steps in that process include: creating a housing production stakeholder group that will act as a steering committee for implementing actions recommended by the forthcoming Housing Production Plan; creating educational and outreach materials and strategies to be presented at several public meetings; drafting zoning bylaw amendments as workshopped by the stakeholder group and community.

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Sheffield-Great Barrington FY16 Community Development Block Grant

The Sheffield-Great Barrington Housing Rehabilitation Program has been designed to address one of the most pressing community development needs in the two communities, as established by their Community Development Strategies: the preservation of affordable housing through the rehabilitation of properties owned and occupied by low- and moderate-income people. This activity will undertake moderate levels of rehabilitation to existing substandard housing units to provide safe, decent, and sanitary housing that meet the CDBG program inspection requirements. And continues with a FY16 grant with Sheffield.

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Sheffield-New Marlborough-Otis FY19 Community Development Block Grant

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission is currently administering a $1,265,368 FY19 CDBG Community Development Block Grant for the Town of Sheffield. The grant includes 3 activities, including a Housing Rehabilitation Program for the Towns of Sheffield, New Marlborough, and Otis, and 2 individual ABR design projects for Sheffield and New Marlborough. The grant application was written and submitted on behalf of the towns by BRPC Community & Economic Development staff and was awarded by the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development. With a budget of $896,000, the housing rehabilitation program goal is to rehabilitate up to 20 homes across the three towns of Sheffield, New Marlborough, and Otis. Due to the age and presence of lead paint hazards in many of the homes in the 3 towns, the average cost per rehabilitation project is expected to be $40,000. The Sheffield Municipal Facilities ABR Design project will provide bid-ready specifications and designs eliminating architectural barriers to ADA access at the Sheffield Police Station, Library and Town Park. The New Marlborough Town Hall ABR Design project, with a separate designer selection process, will also provide designs and bid-ready specifications for a future construction project, in this case eliminating architectural barriers to handicap accessibility at the town hall. The New Marlborough Town Hall was built in 1908.

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Small Business Relief Partnership

The Berkshire County Small Business Recovery Fund will provide small for-profit businesses in Berkshire County with emergency assistance in adherence with the parameters set forth by the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office: addressing fixed debt, payroll, accounts payable, lost sales, lost opportunities, and other working capital expenses that could have been recognized had the COVID-19 pandemic not occurred. The focus of this fund will be on fixed costs that cannot be avoided despite the applicants inability to operate as they did prior to regulations pertaining to non-essential business functions.

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Southern Berkshire CDBG-CV Regional Microenterprise Assistance Program

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission and Town of Lenox and their municipal partners are pleased to announce the FY19 Community Development Block Grant CDBG CV emergency grant assistance for microbusinesses in Lenox and neighboring southern Berkshire communities. 

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Southern Berkshire REPC After-Action Report and Improvement Plan

BRPC will support Southern Berkshire REPC in developing an After-Action Report for their Hazardous Waste Train Derailment exercise.

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Spontaneous Unaffiliated Volunteer Training

This project will transition the already developed Spontaneous Unaffiliated Volunteer (SUV) training developed for the Western Region Homeland Security Advisory Council (WRHSAC) and transition it to the more engaging and user-friendly format of Adobe Captivate. The trainings are available on the WRHSAC website.

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Spontaneous Unaffiliated Volunteer Website Training

This project will transition the already developed Spontaneous Unaffiliated Volunteer (SUV) training developed for the Western Region Homeland Security Advisory Council (WRHSAC) and transition it to the more engaging and user-friendly format of Adobe Captivate. The trainings are available on the WRHSAC website.

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Stockbridge Bowl Management Plan Phase II - 319

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid the Town of Stockbridge in conducting the Stockbridge Bowl Management Plan, which is being funded by Mass. DEP through a s.319 Nonpoint Source Pollution Grant.

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Stockbridge Outsource Planner

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission is providing planning services to the Town of Stockbridge Planning Board.

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Stormwater Management - Pittsfield

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid the City of Pittsfield in preparing an NOI and Stormwater Management Plan template for compliance with the MA 2016 Small MS4 General Permit.

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Stormwater Management Bylaw - Adams

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will work with the Town of Adams to prepare a Stormwater Management Bylaw to address both construction and post construction stormwater management. The bylaw will require Erosion and Sedimentation controls, include a process for public input, and ensure site plan review to include a preconstruction review that considers potential water quality impacts. The bylaw will also require permanent stormwater controls to minimize water quality impacts and ensure long-term operation and maintenance of structural stormwater controls. Importantly, the bylaw will incentivize Low Impact Development techniques and encourage compact design.

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Stormwater Management Support - Adams

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide professional planning assistance to the Town of Adams to maintain compliance with the NPDES Phase II MS4 General Permit.

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Support Municipal Digital Equity Partnership

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission will provide program coordination, linkage, and affiliation for the Baystate Alliance for Digital Equity to support MBI's Digital Equity Partnerships Program. BRPC's work will involve conducting interviews with key informants and convening stakeholder leaders to learn about regional challenges, needs, gaps, and strategies to address digital equity programming needs for eligible populations. In our advisement capacity, BRPC will help identify three regional partners (North, Central, South) to serve as Digital Navigators in their sub-regions and offer guidance to those entities as they seek to increase digital access, adoption, and affordability.

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Support Municipal Digital Equity Planning Enrollment and Regional Asset Mapping

To increase enrollment in the Municipal Digital Equity Planning Program and conduct regional asset mapping activities in alignment with the Statewide Digital Equity Plan development.

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Timed Up and Go (Tug) Assessments and Matter of Balance

The Berkshire Public Health Alliance Public Health Nursing Program will offer Timed Up and Go (TUG) testing at flu clinics in the fall, and five Matter of Balance (MOB) classes in public health nursing contracted communities in the Spring.

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Town of Monterey Hupi Road Drainage Improvements

BRPC is working with the Town of Monterey to install drainage infrastructure and stormwater control measures along a 1000-foot section of Hupi Rd., a dirt road within the Lake Garfield Watershed. The goal of this construction is to better manage stormwater pollution caused by sediment and phosphorus by improving drainage, managing sediments and infiltration local stormwater prior to it reaching Lake Garfield. BRPC will be helping manage grant, perform outreach, and secure subcontractors to do final engineering and permitting.

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Town of Peru Procurement Services

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission will provide bid packages and bidding services for paving two roads in the Town of Peru.

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Transportation Safety

BRPC Transportation Planning staff actively monitor the safety of our Region’s roads. We work with our local, state, and Federal partners to make Berkshire roads safer for motorists, trucks, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Each year, BRPC in partnership with MassDOT, conducts at least one road safety audit and perform updated analyses as part of the Highway Safety Improvement Program initiative.

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Vaccination Exercise Series

The project will conduct an exercise series exploring how to hold public vaccination clinics during a pandemic.  This grant will allow the Public Health Program to review existing Emergency Dispensing Site Plans, conduct a Tabletop exercise in the summer and then hold three or more seasonal flu clinic drills in the fall to test the plan.

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Vaccine Support

These funds are provided to regional entities and municipalities that received flu vaccine from the state or used Commonwealth Medicine flu billing project. These funds will allow the Berkshire Public Health Alliance to buy supplies necessary for large-scale outdoor flu clinics, purchase advertising about the clinics and to pay both logistical and clinical staff.

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Washington Chief Procurement Officer

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission to provide the town of Washington services of a Chief Procurement Officer to improve long-term purchasing results and pricing through bid and quote solicitations in the town.

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Washington Pavement Management Study

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) to conduct pavement assessment for the Town of Washington.

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Washington Town Planning Report

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will work with the Town of Washington to prepare a Town Planning Report which identified key issues, perceived needs, and desired projects in the town.

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West Stockbridge Green Communities

BRPC is providing assistance to the Town of West Stockbridge to manage their Green Communities designation grant awarded to the Town by the MA Department of Energy Resources (DOER). BRPC will provide grant administration, interface with DOER, serve as a liaison between contractors and the Town, and develop outreach materials.

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Western Mass Mountain Biking

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) has been awarded a contract from MassTrail, through FRCOG, to plan out the creation and promotion of mountain biking trails in Western Mass.

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Williamstown - Mohawk Trail Woodland Partnership Forest Stewardship, Resilience & Climate Adaptation MVP Action Grant

The objective is to assist the Mohawk Trail Woodland Partnership municipalities and landowners in achieving greater resilience pf the forests to withstand climate change by implementing a suite of best practices to mitigate and adapt to climate change through forest management activities that increase tree retention and growth, enhance species diversity and reduce threats.

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Williamstown Housing Needs Assessment

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission will prepare a housing needs assessment for the Town of Williamstown.

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Williamstown Pavement Evaluation

BRPC will assist the Town of Williamstown to evaluate the pavement conditions of town-owned streets using the PASER scale. Findings will be collected in the field and logged with a GPS-linked database. Data will be downloaded and mapped using GIS software to create a visual guide of road conditions in the town. A report of findings and recommendations for maintenance activities will be prepared and shared with town stakeholders as a final deliverable.

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