BRPC is co-sponsoring an on-line event entitled Transportation Climate Initiative: Clean Transportation for Rural Communities. The Transportation
Climate Initiative (TCI) is an initiative of 12 Northeastern states focused on reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportationsector through a regional cap and trade program. This event will be an educational opportunity to learn more about the TCI initiative and to discuss how TCI can address the challenges which rural areas are facing. This event is scheduled for Tuesday, November 10th at 7 PM. Learn more and register here:
Who should attend? This program is for anyone who cares about clean transportation in rural Massachusetts communities, including residents, businesses, community leaders, transportation and environmental advocates, community organizations, and local elected officials.
Thank you to these sponsoring organizations!
• Acadia Center
• Berkshire Regional Planning Commission
• Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission
• Environmental League of Massachusetts
• Franklin Regional Council of Governments
• Hilltown Community Development Corporation
• League of Women Voters of Massachusetts
• Massachusetts Public Health Association
• The Nature Conservancy
• Pioneer Valley Planning Commission
• The Train Campaign
• Transportation for Massachusetts