BRPC is beginning the process of developing the next TIP for Berkshire County. The TIP is a prioritized list of transportation projects expected to be built over the next several years. This document is a prerequisite to receiving federal funding for highways, bridges, and transit projects. This request seeks your assistance in providing us with information on your project’s scope, status, and updated project cost estimates to be considered in the FFY 2026-2030 TIP.
A copy of the current FFY 2025-2029 TIP listing by town is attached for your reference. Projects with a question mark in the “YR” column are TIP candidates that were not programmed for funding within the five years of the current TIP but were considered active enough to be listed as “supplemental” (non-funded) projects for informational purposes. Projects for which local communities or private organizations are responsible for design and right-of-way are indicated with “CITY,” “TOWN,” or “AGENCY” in the “LEAD” column.
Projects with six-digit ID numbers in the far-right column have been designated by MassDOT’s Project Review Committee (PRC) as federal-aid-eligible design projects and will be actively considered for advancement.
Projects with ID numbers beginning with “XXX” have either not been submitted to or not approved by the PRC. We will not be evaluating those projects for the TIP at this time. Before they can be considered for programming in the TIP, they must first be submitted to the PRC using MassDOT’s MaPIT (MassDOT Project IntakeTool). The same is true of any new project not previously listed. Each municipality will need a GeoDOT account to log in to MaPIT. If you do not have an account, please contact Peter Frieri, Planning Engineer, MassDOT District One, at (857) 368-1032 or email to request your login credentials.
For the projects to be considered in the FFY 2026-2030 TIP, we will need updated information for projects already programmed in the current TIP (except for 2025 projects) and for PRC-approved projects that are still on the supplemental list. A blank TIP Project Data Form is enclosed. Copies of completed forms from last year are available upon request if we receive any. In accordance with the attached schedule, the updated Project Data Form must be submitted to us by February 3, 2025, but it is preferable to submit it sooner than that.
The digital version of the form below can be filled out and submitted electronically to or
It is very important that we receive the most recent and realistic budget estimates that your design engineer can provide at this time. Please note that due to limited regional funding targets for highways, bridges, and enhancements, the availability of TIP funds for any projects currently on the supplemental list is uncertain.
Thank you for your cooperation with this TIP process. If you have any questions or need help filling out the form, please call Anuja Koirala, AICP, Principal Transportation Planner (Ext. 18), or Clete Kus, AICP, Transportation Program Manager (Ext. 20).