Berkshire Regional Planning Commission is pleased to announce the launch of two Community Development Block Grant CDBG CV Grant Programs to provide assistance to low to moderate income
microenterprise business owners in Berkshire County. The purpose of each Program is to assist low to moderate
income (LMI) microenterprise business owners prepare for, prevent and/or respond to the impacts of the coronavirus.
Eligible applicants will receive assistance in the form of grants up to $10,000 to be used as working capital to cover business costs such as, rent, staffing and utilities. These grants have been made available by the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (MA DHCD) utilizing funds received from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Working with the Town of Adams and partner communities in North County, and the Town of Lenox and partner communities in South County, the two regional grant programs will begin accepting applications from business owners immediately.