Berkshire Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)

The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) identifies regional economic goals and priorities and establishes a framework for measuring progress in the region. The resulting 5-year CEDS for Berkshire County and accompanying annual progress reports are submitted to the federal Economic Development Administration (EDA) in order to maintain the region’s eligibility for EDA investments.

The 2023-2027 CEDS was approved by EDA on February 2, 2023: Berkshire County CEDS 2023-2027

Supporting materials:
2-page Summary of the 2023-2027 CEDS

Watch a quick (2:50) video introducing the new CEDS:
Berkshire County CEDS 2023-2027 – Introductory Video
Berkshire County CEDS 2023-2027 – Introductory Video (Spanish subtitles)

Scroll an overview of major CEDS components at your own pace:
Berkshire County CEDS 2023-2027 – Online Overview
La Estrategia Integral de Desarrollo 2023-2027 – Online Overview

Read an executive Summary of the CEDS in Spanish:
2023-2027 CEDS Resumen Ejecutivo

Annual Performance Progress Report for 2025
The CEDS Committee is now accepting submissions of Priority Projects for potential inclusion in the 2025 Annual Report. Submissions are due no later than March 31, 2025. Use this form to propose a new project for inclusion:

Previous CEDS in Berkshire County:
Berkshire County’s first CEDS was developed in 2011 by Berkshire Regional Planning Commission with assistance from a CEDS Committee. This document helped to guide development in the region for the next five years. The required annual reports were submitted to the EDA for 2012 through 2016. The next 5-year Berkshire County CEDS was approved effective December 30, 2017, and annual reports have been submitted from 2018 through 2021.