Previous Projects


Access to Clean Energy Technology

BRPC has received a grant from the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) through the Affordable Access to Regional Coordination Program (AARC Program) to increase and institutionalize knowledge of clean energy technologies and programs (including clean energy programs focused on low income residents or low income/affordable housing)  through capacity-building, education, coordination, or training at the local level, thereby expanding the reach of successful programs and improving access to clean energy technology for the Commonwealth’s low income residents.

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Adams Green Communities - Energy Efficiency Projects

BRPC is providing assistance to the Town of Adams to manage a competitive grant for various energy efficiency projects awarded to the Town by the MA Department of Energy Resources (DOER). BRPC will provide grant administration, interface with DOER, serve as a liaison between the contractor and the Town, and develop outreach materials.

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Adams Outsource—Environmental and Energy

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide technical planning support to the Town of Adams Office of Community Development. Specifically, BRPC will aid Adams regarding the National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II requirements.

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Adams-Mohawk Trail Woodland Partnership Regional Adaptation & Resilience Project

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide overall grant management and support for the Mohawk Trail Woodland Partnership Regional Adaptation & Resilience Project.This regional project encompasses a range of components from the macro to the micro – addressing multiple concerns for the MTWP that have arisen due to climate change and that are identified within the communities respective Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Plans.

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Bacterial Improvements in the Hoosic and Housatonic Rivers

The goal of this project is to document current bacterial levels in select river segments of the Hoosic and Housatonic River Watersheds, with the expectation that bacteria levels have decreased in those river segments due to known land use changes and/or infrastructure improvements conducted by municipal public works departments. Project partners include Housatonic Valley Association and Hoosic River Watershed Association.

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Berkshire Brownfields Assessment Project

The goal of the proposed Assessment Project is to target contaminated petroleum and hazardous waste sites in Berkshire County, leading to remediation and reuse. This project will retain and promote employment in core developed areas, protect the health and safety of traditional neighborhoods, and maintain the rural character of outlying areas.

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Briggsville Water District - Land Acquisition

Briggsville Water District has been awarded funds through an MVP grant to enhance climate resilience of their drinking water source. They are using this project to acquire land uphill of the current well in order to relocate water storage outside the floodplain. This will also allow them to increase tank storage and update tank monitoring systems to manage water quality and increase drought resilience. The rest of the parcel will be used for open space.

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Brownfields Assessment - Adams

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) is working with the Town of Adams to serve as grant manager for their community-wide Brownfields Assessment Grant. The US EPA has awarded the Town of Adams a $400,000 grant to conduct environmental assessments targeting the Rt. 8 Corridor including sites such as 50 & 26 Commercial Street, Curtis Fine Papers, Hoosac Valley Coal & Grain, and 5-7 Hoosac Street.

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Brownfields Assessment - Great Barrington

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will work with the Town of Great Barrington to serve as grant manager for their Community-wide Brownfields Assessment Grant. The US EPA has awarded the Town of Great Barrington a $300,000 grant to conduct environmental assessments targeting the Village of Housatonic including sites such as Monument Mills, Rising Mill, Cook’s Garage, Barbieri Lumber, and Hong Kong Buffet.

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Brownfields Assessment - North Adams

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will work with the City of North Adams to serve as grant manager for their Community-wide Brownfields Assessment Grant. The US EPA has awarded the City of North Adams a $300,000 grant to conduct environmental assessments targeting the Route 2/Mohawk Trail Corridor, specifically a 1 mile stretch of commercial/industrial development between the eastern gateway and the downtown. The core of the Target Area is a former textile mill (Delftree) which was originally part of the Eclipse Mills and a former factory (Barber Leather).

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Brownfields Assessment - Pittsfield

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the City of Pittsfield's Department of Community Development to oversee and manage a Brownfields Assessment grant awarded by the EPA to assess the former Stetson Dry Cleaner at 35 Federal Street.

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Brownfields Assessment Project - Lee

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will work with the Town of Lee to serve as grant manager for their Community-wide Brownfields Assessment Grant. The US EPA has awarded the Town of Lee a $300,000 grant to conduct environmental assessments targeting the former Schweitzer-Mauduit paper mills (Eagle, Columbia, Greylock and Niagara).

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Brownfields Clean Up Project - Adams

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the Town of Adams to manage an EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant to remediate the Hoosac Valley Coal and Grain site. Environmental investigations performed to date have revealed petroleum contaminated soil located down to depths of approximately 10 feet along with coal across/near the surface of a portion of the property. A geophysical survey conducted in October 2017 identified an underground storage tank (UST) near the southern portion of the Site near the Hoosic River. Site cleanup will include demolition of the two former building foundations, abatement of hazardous building materials (i.e., asbestos, lead-based paint, PCBs), removal of petroleum and coal-contaminated soils, removal of a UST, and implementation of a new Activity and Use Limitation (AUL).

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Cheshire Green Communities Competitive Grant Administrative Assistance

BRPC is working with the Town of Cheshire to select energy efficiency projects that it will implement using it’s designation grant funds through the Green Communities program. Once projects are selected, BRPC will assist the town with grant reporting requirements, a public relations campaign, contractor management, analyzing the town’s municipal energy usage, and other general Green Communities program maintenance.

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Clarksburg Drinking Water Grant Assistance

BRPC is helping assist the Briggsville Water District, which supplies drinking water to 10% of Clarksburg, MA, in identifying and developing grant applications to make necessary upgrades to the Red Springs water supply infrastructure.

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Clarksburg Green Communities Weatherization & Lighting Project

BRPC is providing assistance to the Town of Clarksburg to manage a competitive grant for a weatherization and lighting project awarded to the Town by the MA Department of Energy Resources (DOER). This project includes energy efficiency measures implemented at the Town Hall and the Elementary School. BRPC will provide grant administration, interface with DOER, serve as a liaison between the contractor and the Town, and develop outreach materials.

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Dalton Green Infrastructure and Education

Dalton will work with the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) to integrate emergency communications and education into the green infrastructure and environmental stewardship planning and implementation process by drawing connections between neighbors and environmental systems.

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Decarbonizing Berkshire County Through Municipal Energy Self-Sufficiency

The Decarbonizing Berkshire County Through Municipal Energy Self-Sufficiency project aims to assist the region to get ahead of the curve and prepare for the future in the rapidly advancing areas of green energy. Through this project BRPC will work with participating communities to explore solar, battery storage, and EV charging from three perspectives relevant to municipalities: 1) regulatory/permitting; 2) long-range planning/siting; and 3) energy consumption (i.e., municipal solar, EV for municipal fleets). Through this project communities will be equipped to plan ahead and prepare for the future by identifying potential barriers, pitfalls, perverse incentives, as well as ways to intentionally incentivize certain types of development or design components. It is also critical for communities to get ahead of the curve in their role as an energy consumer.

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Design and Implementation Plans for Phosphorus Reduction in Lake Garfield

This project is in collaboration with the Town of Monterey to address nonpoint source pollution of sediment and phosphorus coming from a section of Hupi Road into Lake Garfield. BRPC is providing grant support and outreach while the Town is working with the engineering firm Foresight Land Services to design conceptual treatment Best Management Practices.

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EmPower Pilot

BRPC has received a grant from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Technology Center (MassCEC) EmPower Massachusetts (EmPower) Program to lead an effort collaborating with the City of Pittsfield, Berkshire Environmental Action Team, Center for EcoTechnology, and Berkshire Community Action Council. The grant will be used to perform research on the mechanisms for addressing the landlord/renter split incentive challenge which includes an analysis of Pittsfield’s market conditions, researching nationwide case studies for related program models and tools to address the challenges, options for energy efficiency, development of an outreach and education campaign for landlords and renters, and seeking potential local energy efficiency coaches.

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Farmers Market Promotion Program

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will support the operation of independent farmers markets, build capacity and increase customer volume and sales. The Berkshire Market Collective will bring together all the market managers to provide technical assistance and an outlet to share information, streamline market operations and reduce administrative burden. A unified market campaign will be developed to advertise the markets within the region while celebrating the individuality of each market. Data will be collected that measures sales in dollars and initial customer count and documents customer and sales increases.

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Forest Resilience Carbon Storage Practices

The objective of this project is to assist the MTWP municipalities and landowners in achieving greater resilience of the forests to withstand climate change by implementing a suite of best practices to mitigate and adapt to climate change through forest management activities that increase tree retention and growth, enhance species diversity and reduce forest threats.

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Great Barrington Green Communities Competitive Grant Program

Grant funds will be used for energy efficiency measures at two municipal buildings. BRPC will provide administrative support to the Town for the activities conducted under the grant and the greater Green Communities program. BRPC will also provide outreach and publicity related to the grant and/or projects in the form of a press release issued by the Town, a municipal/school newsletter article, and a newspaper article or equivalent based on relevant Town communication channels.

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Greylock Flume Inc. Brownfields Clean up

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will work with the nonprofit Greylock Flume, Inc. to serve as project manager for an EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant to remediate contamination within the flume at the Greylock Mill in North Adams.

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Adams

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the Town of Adams with development of their Hazard Mitigation Plan. BRPC will provide technical and planning services to assist the Towns in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan update to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The existing 2013 plan will be used as the foundation upon which to build and update, as necessary, to meet FEMA requirements. BRPC will conduct public outreach, a risk assessment, and develop the plans.

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Clarksburg

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the Town of Clarksburg, with composing their FEMA approved Hazard Mitigation Plan.

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Dalton

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the Town of Dalton, with development of their Hazard Mitigation Plan. BRPC will provide technical and planning services to assist the Towns in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan update to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The existing 2013 plan will be used as the foundation upon which to build and update, as necessary, to meet FEMA requirements. BRPC will conduct public outreach, a risk assessment, and develop the plans.

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Great Barrington

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide technical and planning services to assist the Town of Great Barrington in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Hinsdale

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the Town of Hinsdale, with development of their Hazard Mitigation Plan. BRPC will provide technical and planning services to assist Hinsdale in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan update to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The existing 2013 plan will be used as the foundation upon which to build and update, as necessary, to meet FEMA requirements. BRPC will conduct public outreach, a risk assessment, and develop the plans.

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Monterey

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide technical and planning services to assist Monterey in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Mt. Washington

BRPC is working with the Town of Mount Washington to complete a combined Hazard Mitigation and Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Plan. This plan will not only identify and prepare the town for current hazards but look forward to how climate change will impact emergency preparedness needs, the environment, and vulnerable populations in the area.

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - New Marlborough

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide technical and planning services to assist New Marlborough in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - North Adams

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide technical and planning services to assist North Adams in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Otis

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide technical and planning services to assist Otis in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Peru

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide technical and planning services to assist Peru in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Sheffield

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will assist the Town of Sheffield with development of their Hazard Mitigation Plan. BRPC will provide technical and planning services to assist Sheffield in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan update to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The existing 2013 plan will be used as the foundation upon which to build and update, as necessary, to meet FEMA requirements. BRPC will conduct public outreach, a risk assessment, and develop the plans.

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Hazard Mitigation Plan - Washington

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide technical and planning services to assist Washington in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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Hazard Mitigation Plan Update - Lanesborough

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide technical and planning services to assist Lanesborough in preparing a Hazard Mitigation Plan update to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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Hazard Mitigation and Municipal Vulnerability Plan - Williamstown

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will work with the Town of Williamstown to develop a FEMA-approved Hazard Mitigation Plan Update that will also comply with the requirements of the MA Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program.

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Housatonic Stream Restoration for Regional Flood Resilience

Four communities (Lenox, Pittsfield, Stockbridge, and New Marlborough) will embark on regional, community-wide culvert assessments of approximately 400 culverts, and design the replacement of three priority culverts. A unique feature to this project is the component of youth development—youth from Environmental Justice communities will be hired to conduct the assessments. Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) is supporting this project by providing overall grant administration and acting as the community liaison during outreach activities.

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Housatonic Valley Association - Churchill Brook Culvert Replacement

BRPC is collaborating with the Housatonic Valley Association to do outreach using the Churchill St. culvert in Pittsfield as a example culvert replacement project. BRPC will be assisting by performing a needs assessment and promoting workshop participation county-wide.

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Housatonic Valley Association - Municipal Culvert Replacement Cooperative

BRPC is working with the Housatonic Valley Association to develop a regional Culvert Replacement Cooperative. As part of this, BRPC will determine the feasibility of group purchasing for culvert replacements and connect with county communities and local highway superintendents to assess the challenges and long-term benefits of culvert replacement according to Massachusetts Road-Stream Crossing Standards. 

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Municipal Energy Technical Assistance

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide Green Communities technical assistance to Berkshire County municipalities. BRPC will aid Adams, Cheshire, Clarksburg, Dalton, Gt. Barrington, Hinsdale, Lanesborough, North Adams, Monterey, Peru, Richmond, Sandisfield and Washington as they pursue Green Communities designation and aid with the reporting requirements to municipalities who are Green Communities.

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Municipal Vulnerability Action Plan - Monterey

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide grant administration and community outreach/education services for the Town of Monterey as they implement the design phase to replace the Route 23 culvert.

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Municipal Vulnerability Plan - Dalton

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid the Town of Dalton in pursuing next steps indentified through the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) planning process including a developing a scope of services for a H&H study at Walker Brook.

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Municipal Vulnerability Plan - Great Barrington

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid the Town of Great Barrington in completing the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) planning process to achieve MVP community designation and update the Town's Hazard Mitigation Plan.

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Municipal Vulnerability Plan - Lenox

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid the Town of Lenox in completing the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) planning process to achieve MVP community designation and update the Town's Hazard Mitigation Plan.

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Municipal Vulnerability Plan - Mt. Washington

BRPC is working with the Town of Mount Washington to complete a combined Hazard Mitigation and Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Plan. This plan will not only identify and prepare the town for current hazards but look forward to how climate change will impact emergency preparedness needs, the environment, and vulnerable populations in the area.

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Municipal Vulnerability Plan - North Adams

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid the City of North Adams in completing the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) planning process to achieve MVP climate community designation.

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Municipal Vulnerability Plan - Phase 2 - Dalton

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid the Town of Dalton in completing the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) planning process to achieve MVP climate community designation.

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Municipal Vulnerability Plan - Sandisfield

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid the Town of Sandisfield in completing the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) planning process to achieve MVP climate community designation.

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Municipal Vulnerability Plan - Windsor

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid the Town of Windsor in completing the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) planning process to achieve MVP community designation and update the Town's Hazard Mitigation Plan.

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Municipal Vulnerability Plan Action Grant - Monterey

BRPC is assisting the Town of Monterey through their Phase II MVP Action Grant to replace the Route 23/Main St. Culvert near Town Hall. This project is a climate adaptation effort to make Town Hall and essential facilities less vulnerable to increased storms. Monterey is working with GZA to complete final engineering designs and permitting. BRPC is helping with outreach, project, and grant administration, including rain garden construction on private property and a climate resilience guide for homeowners.

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Municipal Vulnerability Plan and Hazard Mitigation Plan - Cheshire

BRPC is working with the Town of Cheshire to complete a combined Hazard Mitigation and Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Plan. This plan will identify and prepare the town for hazards especially in terms of climate change. There will be a focus on the impact of historical events and vulnerabilities, as well as future actions needed to mitigate impacts on the town infrastructure, the environment, society, and vulnerable populations.

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Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness - Rowe

BRPC will assist Mass Audubon and the Franklin Regional Council of Governments to recruit stakeholders within Berkshire County members of the Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership. BRPC will also participate in period meetings of the stakeholder group.

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Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Plan - Otis

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid the Town of Otis in completing the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) planning process to achieve MVP community designation and prepare a Town Hazard Mitigation Plan.

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North Adams Green Communities Competitive Grant Administrative Assistance

BRPC is assisting the City of North Adams in managing the funding it received to make energy efficiency upgrades to municipal buildings and vehicles through the Green Communities Competitive Grant program. Projects include weatherization and insulation at City Hall, weatherization at the Public Safety complex, a LED lighting upgrade at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, a transformer upgrade at the Vietnam Veterans Ice Rink, and partial funding towards the purchase of a hybrid police cruiser, which are estimated to save a combined 681 MMBTU of energy and $26,197 annually. BRPC will assist the City with grant reporting requirements, a public relations campaign, contractor management, and analyzing the City’s municipal energy usage.

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Stockbridge Bowl Management Plan Phase II - 319

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid the Town of Stockbridge in conducting the Stockbridge Bowl Management Plan, which is being funded by Mass. DEP through a s.319 Nonpoint Source Pollution Grant.

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Stormwater Management - Pittsfield

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will aid the City of Pittsfield in preparing an NOI and Stormwater Management Plan template for compliance with the MA 2016 Small MS4 General Permit.

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Stormwater Management Bylaw - Adams

The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will work with the Town of Adams to prepare a Stormwater Management Bylaw to address both construction and post construction stormwater management. The bylaw will require Erosion and Sedimentation controls, include a process for public input, and ensure site plan review to include a preconstruction review that considers potential water quality impacts. The bylaw will also require permanent stormwater controls to minimize water quality impacts and ensure long-term operation and maintenance of structural stormwater controls. Importantly, the bylaw will incentivize Low Impact Development techniques and encourage compact design.

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Stormwater Management Support - Adams

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) will provide professional planning assistance to the Town of Adams to maintain compliance with the NPDES Phase II MS4 General Permit.

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West Stockbridge Green Communities

BRPC is providing assistance to the Town of West Stockbridge to manage their Green Communities designation grant awarded to the Town by the MA Department of Energy Resources (DOER). BRPC will provide grant administration, interface with DOER, serve as a liaison between contractors and the Town, and develop outreach materials.

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Williamstown - Mohawk Trail Woodland Partnership Forest Stewardship, Resilience & Climate Adaptation MVP Action Grant

The objective is to assist the Mohawk Trail Woodland Partnership municipalities and landowners in achieving greater resilience pf the forests to withstand climate change by implementing a suite of best practices to mitigate and adapt to climate change through forest management activities that increase tree retention and growth, enhance species diversity and reduce threats.

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