Food Systems in a Changing Climate

I think it’s safe to say that most of us are on the same page when it comes to the changes occurring in our climate. The reality we are facing is no longer a question of if things are changing, but more a matter of what that will look like, how it will affect our lives and what can we do about it? In my relatively brief time here I have learned that the core of public health is preventative measures, looking upstream. While it remains true, the bigger conversation is about how to alter our habits which are causing the change, we also must deal with the real impacts already upon us.

Addressing Alcohol Misuse and Addiction in Berkshire County

Throughout the Berkshires, local health experts increasingly note the urgency of reducing alcohol misuse. The pervasive normalization of alcohol has a strong impact on youth, who report their own use is influenced by attitudes and expectations set by adults (“peer pressure” appears to play a lesser role).

Nationally, alcohol misuse is responsible for approximately 178,000 deaths per year; by comparison, in 2022 drug overdoses accounted for 110,000 deaths. In 2023, 22% of  County adults reported binge or heavy drinking, above state and national averages of 19%. Data from Berkshire Health Systems shows that

Regional Transportation Plan: Survey Insights

Public input is a key component of the 2024 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) currently under development. The RTP will lay out the regional priorities for transportation investments over the next twenty years. Listening to and learning from the residents of Berkshire County helps us to gain a fuller understanding of what transportation investments should be made.

The Opioid Crisis and Berkshire County

Berkshire County continues to take enormous strides to combat the opioid crisis, including an extensive history of proactive practitioner education around pain management, more and more providers able to prescribe buprenorphine, and an increase in harm reduction, recovery, and treatment resources available despite the pandemic. In light of this extraordinary work, it was disheartening to see 62 opioid overdose deaths reported last year, up 11% from the year before and the highest number of recorded deaths.

Strategies to Address Lane-Departure Crashes in the Berkshires

Making our roads safer is a battle that involves many strategies. Helping to plot a path toward fewer fatalities and injuries, the state Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) identifies target safety Emphasis Areas for Massachusetts.

Funding Open Space, Trails and Active Transportation Across the Commonwealth

Funding Open Space, Trails and Active Transportation Across the Commonwealth
On December 16, 2021, various state agencies held a webinar titled “Funding Open Space, Trails, and Active Transportation Across the Commonwealth.” The Appalachian Mountain Club’s Kristen Sykes hosted and moderated the meeting.

Modern Roundabouts in the Berkshires

Modern Roundabouts in the Berkshires

In October 2021, the City of Pittsfield’s first-ever modern urban roundabout became operational at Tyler Street and Woodlawn Ave. The only other modern roundabout currently in the Berkshires is in Adams, constructed in 2016 on Route 8 by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. Pittsfield’s roundabout is built entirely on city-owned roads in one of the densest neighborhoods of the city: no small feat.

UMass Study Outlines Municipal Impact of Climate Change

UMass Study Outlines Municipal Impact of Climate Change

A report conducted by UMASS Northeast Center for Coastal Resilience and Massachusetts Municipal Association offers insight into how municipalities perceive climate change’s challenges and impact. The study heard from 111 municipalities and ten planning agencies, including four Berkshire municipalities and the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC). 64% of respondents represented inland communities. Larger cities were better represented in this survey than rural towns, as those communities are more likely to have staff who can respond to surveys. That said, the needs of inland and rural communities came through, particularly in the comments. It is helpful to see the overlap in concerns when considering how climate change will affect our region.

Williamstown – Birch Hill Brook

Census 2020

The Census Bureau has released the initial results from the 2020 Census. The official population for Berkshire County in 2020 was 129,026. This population represents a loss of 2,193 people since 2010 or -1.7%. The Census Bureau had estimated that the county’s population would drop to below 125,000, so the region did substantially better than estimated.

Preparing for the Future of Work in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

New Report Charts Path for the Post-COVID Commonwealth Workplace

A July 2021 study commissioned by the Baker-Polito administration, Preparing for the Future of Work in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, seeks to help town leaders understand how workplace shifts begun during COVID-19 could impact their communities in years to come.  Conducted by McKinsey & Company, the report explores near- (2025) and long- (2030) term trends and suggests how towns can prepare for them to support residents’ and economies’ success.